Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,44

if this is what it takes, let them look to their hearts content.”

“I thought all they needed were copies of the company’s financial statements and business plan? I don’t think all of this probing is typical, Chris.”

Given Rei’s connection to P.J. Hollinger, he didn’t think so, either. But he wasn’t going to sweat it. “I heard from Andrew Johnston that the expansion strategy presentation went well. He seemed confident the funding would be approved.”

“Let’s hope so. My husband wasn’t pleased about that private investigator questioning my neighbors,” Lara conceded.

Chris was just turning back to his office when he spotted Grant Bronson. His eyes narrowed when he realized Grant was talking to Marvin. Chris walked up to them just in time to hear they’d be at the weekly mixer Friday night.

“See you around, Grant. See you later, Chris, and thanks again.”

Grant cocked his head toward Marvin’s retreating back. “Is he another one of your personal projects?”

“I told you before, I can’t—”

“Talk about your other clients.” Grant offered a self-depreciating grin. “Sorry, man. I was just curious.”

Chris didn’t like the man’s curiosity and so kept his tone cool. “What are you doing here? We didn’t have an appointment.”

“I just stopped by to check my e-mail. I’ll see you at the mixer, right?”

He held Grant’s too-innocent stare for a second then finally nodded. “Yeah. I’m the host.”

“Cool. Catch you later.” Grant stuffed his hands into his front pockets and ambled into the computer café.

Chris watched him go, uneasiness settling into his gut. What the hell was that about?

Thursday, April 17th

Accomplishments: Buy flowers for no reason; Face backwards on an elevator

“CHICKEN SALAD, huh? That’s not exactly daring.” Chris ran his finger down the menu. The ever-popular Hayes Street Grill was the setting for their date today. “How about the quail salad with grilled figs?”

Rei rolled her eyes at his teasing. “I don’t think so. After yesterday’s lunch, I’m taking a day off from my quest for new adventures. What are you going to have?”

“A cheeseburger. You can never go wrong with a burger.”

“So, before the waiter came over, you were saying something about your plans for tonight?” Elbows on the table, she rested her chin on her hands.

Chris draped his arm over the back of his chair. “Yeah, I’m having drinks with my dad at this sports bar we like.”

“You and your father are close?”

“Dad and I are…friendly. He and my mom split when I was a kid, and I’m a lot closer to her. Until recently, at least. She’s started dating somebody but won’t tell me anything about him. Nothing.” His lips thinned with displeasure, turning down at one corner. “What?”

“Nothing.” Rei suppressed her smile at the look on his face, part concerned man, part disgruntled little boy. “There are a lot of reasons your mom may want to keep this man to herself for a while.” She shrugged. “She might not think you’ll approve or she might be afraid you won’t get along.”

“She’ll never know until she lets me meet him, will she?” Their food arrived and Chris took a vicious bite out of his cheeseburger.

“Well, maybe things are going well, and she just wants to enjoy his company before deciding where the relationship is heading.”

He cocked his head and arched a brow. “Is that what you’re doing?”

“Yes, but we’re talking about your parents, not us.” She took a sip of her mineral water. “Does your dad know she’s seeing somebody?”

“Yeah, I told him. It was odd how he reacted though.” His brows furrowed. “Dad got kind of tense and flustered and then said he hoped things worked out better for her this time.”

“That was nice of him. I take it they parted amicably?” She chose a nice sized piece of smoked chicken breast from her salad plate.

“Not really. That’s why I was surprised he seemed to care, considering he’s the one who walked out.”

Jennifer had married Rei’s father over twenty years ago, but Rei still remembered with crystal clarity the day she’d become Gordon’s wife. “I acted like I didn’t give a damn when my father started seeing someone, but inside I was horrified at the idea of my mother being replaced.”

Chris eyed her curiously. “Are you sure you weren’t upset over the idea of you being displaced? I’ve been the most important man in my mom’s life for a long time, and it feels strange to know there’s somebody else in the picture now.”

“You’re assuming I had a place in my father’s heart to begin with.” Rei set down her Copyright 2016 - 2024