Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,27

be open to the possibilities and in the meantime have some good, safe fun.”

The corners of her mouth lifted in an odd smile. “What makes you think this is safe?”

“The lack of illusion and the absence of commitment. We can simply enjoy each others’ company, explore our desires and take our time deciding about the rest.”

He caught the sudden anguish in her expression before Jade reached for the handle and turned away. “Thank you for a wonderful night. I’ll never forget it.”

Chris grabbed the edge of the door, careful to keep his naked body out of view. “Wait, I don’t have your number. How—”

“I’ll call you.” She threw a quick smile over her shoulder and slipped through the opening.


Chris raked both hands through his hair and sighed.

She was gone.


Sunday, April 13th

Accomplishments to Date: Eat dessert for breakfast; Go to Alcatraz Island; Visit Yerba Buena Gardens; Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge

“THIS HAS BEEN a pretty great weekend.” P.J. bit into one of the Vietnamese lobster and prawn spring rolls and moaned.

Rei speared a pan-grilled scallop from the bed of endive and watercress. “Yes, it really has.”

They were having a light Sunday supper by the infinity pool in the Nob Hill Spa. Rei had treated them both to a day of longevity, serenity and tranquility services. The soothing rhythms of Spanish guitars seemed to drift out of the water. She smiled contentedly and gazed out the window at the spectacular colors over the cityscape from Huntington Park to the Bay.

“So what’s going on with you, Rei?”

She looked away from the sunset to find P.J. eyeing her shrewdly. “Nothing’s going on. I’m just enjoying the view.”

“I’m your best friend, honey. Don’t bother lying to me.” P.J. set down her fork. “You act relaxed after all the prodding and pummeling today. But, from your expression, you still seem like you’re on edge.”

She should have known Peej would notice her mood. And she’d pegged it correctly, too. Rei felt liked she’d been both caged and set free by Dr. Solís’s call.

A part of her wanted to share the burden she was carrying, but the other part intended to keep her fears to herself. As stupid as it sounded, Rei didn’t want her to worry. Especially since P.J. would mercilessly harangue her into the doctor’s office and she just didn’t want to face that yet.

“It’s nothing, Peej. I just have a couple of things on my mind that’s all.”

“You’re thinking about your anniversary, aren’t you?” P.J.’s blue gaze softened. “You’re finally taking that List of yours seriously. Is that why you dragged me out to play tourist yesterday?”

Rei shrugged casually and chose one of the glazed plantains from her plate. “I’ve lived here all my life but had never visited those places before. Since you hadn’t, either…”

“Uh huh. As afraid of heights as you are, I still can’t believe you didn’t throw up when we got to the middle of the bridge. Why would you force yourself to go across if something wasn’t going on with you?” A slight frown appeared between her golden brows.

“Stop borrowing trouble, P.J. I just like your company and your friendship, okay?”

“Okay.” But P.J. still looked skeptical, with lines of concern bracketing her eyes, as she started eating again.

CHRIS MADE a conscious effort not to scowl at his client. It wasn’t Marvin Carrington’s fault he was in such a bad mood. Oh sure, the weekend had started off great. What could be better than meeting the woman of your fantasies and then having that sexual fantasy come true? But he’d crashed back to reality much faster than he’d expected.

How the hell could she just walk off into the night after that? He regarded himself a pretty good lover, considerate and giving. He’d tried to make his time with Jade memorable and, for him at least, it had been the best sex of his life. The whole seduction had affected him more than he’d planned.

Okay. Maybe he was blowing things out of proportion and all it had been was just sex. But, damn it, he’d felt…something.

Stunned and rejected and oddly hurt. Yeah, he knew he had no right to feel used. He and Jade had agreed up front about what they wanted and the terms had been clear. But that didn’t stop him wanting to see her again. It didn’t stop him from checking every now and then that his cell phone batteries were charged—

He startled, realizing his client had been trying to get his attention. “Sorry, Mr. Carrington. What was Copyright 2016 - 2024