Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,22

her sexual confidence and provocative outfit, her long dark lashes couldn’t shield her insecurity.

It would seem that the exotic temptress had an unexpected conservative side.

Chris stroked his fingers along her arm before offering her an out. “You said on the phone you were hungry. We could have a light dinner at the place across the lobby.” He angled his head in the direction of Shrewsbury’s. “Or would you rather go somewhere else?”

Just when he figured they’d be going to the restaurant, she raised her head and he watched her draw a deep breath. She looked right into him and in her gaze he saw both hesitation and longing; caution and white hot desire.

Whoa. Apparently he’d misinterpreted her expression. Jade was definitely a bad girl trying hard to be good—and failing.

“I’d rather go upstairs.”

His stomach clenched, as did other parts of his body, but he didn’t let his reaction show. He just nodded slowly, playing it cool. “Okay—”

“But first we need to talk.”

Chris reached out to take her hand. Her fingers were warm within his grasp and once again he felt sparks of attraction travel along his nerves. “I’m not seeing anyone right now but, when I was, I was careful.”

“Thanks for answering what I couldn’t ask.” Jade smiled at him and relaxed a little. “But the other thing we need to talk about is what you expect of…this?”

He knew better than to put up boundaries at this early stage, thereby limiting what could be. This was exactly what he cautioned his clients against. Hadn’t he recently chastised Grant about only wanting to get laid? But since she was being honest, he would be, too.

“I recently ended a relationship and I’m not looking to get into another one.”

The rest of the tension in her shoulders released along with her breath. “Great. And since there’s obviously a strong attraction between us, I thought maybe…”

“Maybe we could have some fun, just enjoy each other?”

She laid her other hand on his thigh. “And you’re okay with that, right?”

“More than okay. I told you last night I wanted you and I’ve only wanted you more in the past twenty-odd hours.”

“I want you, too, Chris. More than I expected. But what I don’t want are any…complications. Can you handle the idea of just mutual satisfaction, no promise of anything more?”

He allowed a slow grin to spread over his face. “Are you propositioning me, Jade?”

She raised their joined hands and brushed her dark pink lips across the back of his, all the while holding his gaze. “Absolutely.”

He leaned forward on his bar stool and cupped her cheek in his palm. He brushed his mouth over hers until she parted her lips and returned the kiss. He explored her mouth slowly, thoroughly seducing her in public without getting them arrested. Finally, he moved back.

“I’ll go and see if there are any rooms—”

Jade stopped him with the lightest touch on his arm. “I took the liberty of making a reservation after we hung up earlier.”

He grinned at her forthright expression. “You figured I was a sure thing, huh?”

“I’d hoped you might be.”

Chris stood up and held out his hand. “You were right.”

SHE WAS ABOUT to have a one-night stand.

The elevator doors slid shut without a sound and yet Rei heard a definite slam in her mind. Was she really going to have sex with a man she’d just met and still didn’t really know? This went beyond dirty dancing and fondling in dark corners. Slowly, the elevator began its ascent, moving her inexorably toward the point of no return.

The electronic room card burned in her hand. Of course Chris would be a gentleman about it if she said she’d changed her mind. When she glanced up at him, he was already looking at her. He didn’t speak or touch her, but simply held her gaze in the same quietly passionate way he had at the club. Then he slowly smiled.

Seeing it should have paralyzed her with self-doubt. Oddly though his smile had the opposite effect. In that instant, her insecurity vanished. She wanted this, she wanted him, and gladly threw out the imaginary key that would keep her real persona locked away. She chose “Jade” over “Rei” tonight. Jade the confident seductress. The bad girl.

Acting on pure impulse, she turned and threw herself into his arms. When he bent down and pulled her closer, she traced the edge of his lip with her tongue before sliding inside to explore his mouth. The tequila tasted better on his lips than Copyright 2016 - 2024