Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,17

the good things in life and not wait for dreams to come true, but to make them happen. Starting right now.

HIS SISTER WAS RIGHT. There was definitely something strange about his mother.

Jeanna London had always been a constant in Chris’s life. She’d had the same job at the same accounting firm for years, lived at the same house in Lower Piedmont where he’d grown up, kept the same general routine. Like the air, she was just there and didn’t require much thinking about.

So when he walked through the bright blue front door of her white stucco house after work, what he saw took his breath away.


He’d expected to find her curled up on the couch, wrapped in her favorite sweatpants and cardigan, watching the evening news. Instead, she was transferring her wallet and stuff into a little beaded purse. Her light-brown hair was streaked with golden blond highlights and cut to shoulder length. Her shoulders were bare except for the straps of a figure-hugging black dress.

He didn’t even know she had a figure.


“Hi, sweetheart. This is a surprise.” She walked over to where he’d stopped dead in the hallway and air-kissed his cheek, careful not to smudge her dark pink lipstick.

“Not as surprised as I am.” Chris couldn’t get over how…how sexy his mother looked. Moms weren’t supposed to look that way! “What did you do?”

She glanced at the foyer mirror and smiled a little even as she took him to task. “Aren’t you the one who teaches men how to pay a compliment? You’re not exactly bowling me over here.”

He gave her a real kiss on the temple. “Sorry, Mom. You look fantastic.”

“That’s better.” She went back to emptying her everyday handbag.

Chris stuffed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the stair rail. “What prompted the haircut and…Everything? Is there some charity benefit for work tonight?”

Her smile widened but she didn’t answer as she straightened her hem and fluffed her hair. The sort of last minute primping a woman does before going out on a date.

Chris’s chest tightened painfully at the thought. Over the years, his mom had gone to dinner with male colleagues or out with a group of friends, but she hadn’t dated. The pressure in his chest increased and he realized he was holding his breath, a stress-related habit. He flared his nostrils and forced air into his lungs, hoping he was jumping to conclusions.

“I came by to finish that yard work, but it’s all been done. You didn’t lift those heavy bags of mulch yourself, did you?”

“No, I didn’t.” She moved to the hall closet then held a heavy black wool cloak toward him.

Chris frowned but helped her into her coat. “So, the Henderson kid came over?”

“No, he didn’t do it.” She grabbed the evening bag and her car keys from the hall console.

“Come on, Mom. What’s going on?”

When she turned to look at him, he saw the stubborn set of her jaw but also a bright gleam in her eyes. “I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

“Obviously you’re going out tonight and that’s great. I just want to know what you’re doing.”

The hint of tension in her posture belied the casual tone of her words. “I have a date, Christopher.”

Here he was an adult, yet all these years, neither of his parents had shown an interest in anyone else. All these years, he’d childishly wished they would somehow get back together.

Don’t think about it. Don’t let it hurt.

He forced his jaw to unclench and tried to match her nonchalance. “Give me the guy’s name so I can check him out.”

“I already know he’s a good man.”

Chris took her elbow as she opened the front door. “For Pete’s sake, Mom, you can’t know for sure—”

“Trust me.” She gently pulled out of his grasp. “I appreciate your concern, but you’ll just have to trust me.” She turned and stepped outside, walking down the three stairs while he closed the door.

What the hell was with all the secrecy? She’d always let him into her life. After his father left, he’d been the man of the house, making it his responsibility to be strong for his mother and older sisters. He’d thought he and his mom were close but all of a sudden she was shutting him out. Was this new man that damned important to her?

He allowed a little of his anger to color his words. “At least tell me where you’re going tonight so I’ll have a last location to give the police.”

“I’ll be fine. There’s Copyright 2016 - 2024