Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,13

appetites like this. I’m sorry.”

Chris dropped his head with a groan, touching his forehead to hers. Then he sighed and didn’t try to stop her when she climbed off his lap. He watched her refasten the corset with an expression of lust and disappointment. “At least tell me your name so I’ll know who broke my heart.”

She smiled mischievously and glanced at the bulge in his pants. “I don’t think it’s your heart that’s giving you trouble right now.”

“Okay, then tell me so I’ll know who’s going to be starring in my erotic dreams and keeping me awake all night.”

She laughed again. This guy was smooth, definitely a player. And he wasn’t being difficult, making her feel cheap or demanding his own satisfaction as she’d expected. However, to maintain the fantasy, she chose to give him a fantasy name.

“I’m Jade.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Jade. Hopefully one of many.” He stood up and reached around for his wallet. “Here’s where you can contact me the next time you get hungry.”

She took the plain white card and squinted to read it in the dim light. ‘Chris London. 415-555-4681.’ Now she knew his last name and one of the illusions she wanted to keep vaporized. Real men with real names had real lives and reminded her that she did, too.

Rei tucked the card into her corset and arched her index finger toward the balcony door. “Are you coming?”

“Not tonight, apparently.” He grinned to show he was teasing then explained, “You go on. I need a minute to, uh, calm down.”

She nodded, not meeting his gaze. “Goodbye, Chris.”

His soft fingers lightly grazed her cheek, as if memorizing the contours. “See you, Jade. I really hope we meet again.”

She kissed him one last time, then turned and walked out, knowing they wouldn’t.

PajamaPartyGirl is now online

PajamaPartyGirl is instant messaging you

PajamaPartyGirl: I cannot believe you bailed on me.

JadeBlossom: I didn’t bail, P.J., I just left early.

PajamaPartyGirl: Well if you wanted to go, you didn’t have to cab it, Rei. I would have driven you home.

JadeBlossom: I know you would have, but I didn’t want you to have to leave just because I was.

PajamaPartyGirl: I’m sorry you didn’t have a good time. You can pick the place for our next Break Away Night.

JadeBlossom: I did have a good time, honest.

PajamaPartyGirl: Uh huh. Whenever people have to tell you they’re being honest, they aren’t. Did that hot blond you were dancing with do something to upset you? Is that why you left early?

REI GRINNED at the computer screen. Oh, the hot blond had done something, all right, but he hadn’t upset her.

If she possessed an ounce of sense, she’d be embarrassed and ashamed over making out with a stranger in a club. But the truth was, she’d enjoyed those moments of wild abandonment. Chris had joked about losing sleep but she’d been the one plagued by erotic dreams. Even after she awoke, her imagination had been running on overdrive, stirring up all kinds of sexual urges and wrecking her concentration.

JadeBlossom: No, I had a great time, the best. It just didn’t work out.

PajamaPartyGirl: Oh, too bad. That explains why you seem a little short today.

JadeBlossom: I’m tired this morning and I have quite a few adoptions to approve this afternoon.

PajamaPartyGirl: Um, I forgot to remind you last night.

JadeBlossom: Of what?

PajamaPartyGirl: You said you’d come with me to look at this company I want to invest in.

JadeBlossom: Oh yeah. When is that?

PajamaPartyGirl: Monday. I set it up for your lunch hour but this place has food and I promise to feed you. Since you and Derek are over, this might work out really well.

JadeBlossom: WHAT might work out? Where are we going?

PajamaPartyGirl: To check out a dating service.

JadeBlossom: Great, Peej. Thanks.

PajamaPartyGirl: Well, it might be great for both of us. Give it a chance.

JadeBlossom: You’re lucky we’re best friends.

CHRIS HADN’T REALLY expected Jade to call. But he’d hoped she would. He’d lain awake most of the night, waiting for the phone to ring like some teenaged boy with his first crush. What an idiot. Finally he’d dozed off, only to dream about her. Dreams so hot that he’d ended up taking matters into his own hand, so to speak.

He loved women. He had learned from his mom and his sisters to respect women’s intelligence, strength, endurance and ambition. He admired their optimism, willingness to share and their emotional depth. He had never been one to objectify women, and yet he couldn’t stop imagining Jade naked.

Her body would be a perfect Copyright 2016 - 2024