Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,10

himself up against her. Her dark eyes flew open and Chris had just resigned himself to several broken bones when the guy backed off on his own. He was three times her size, but she’d squared her shoulders and given him a look of cold fury before grinding her heel into his instep.

Chris couldn’t hold back a smile. What a little spitfire. She tried to get back into the mood but, clearly thrown off stride by the interruption, her movements lost some of their grace. Although he remained at the edge of the dance floor, still admiring her, he made no attempt to get closer.

When another guy thought to try his chances, Chris simply thrust out an arm and shook his head. “Don’t waste your time, buddy.”

The other man tried to stare him down, the human equivalent of wolves preparing to fight for territory, then he shrugged and walked away. Chris allowed himself a smirk. Yeah, that’s right. I saw her first. Then he realized how out of character it was. What the hell was wrong with him? Tonight was about work, not picking anyone up. He didn’t consider himself a caveman type, so why was he staking claim to a woman who had yet to acknowledge his existence?

He looked back to find her watching him. Her full lips curved slightly and she nodded once before she closed her eyes again. When the song ended, replaced by a romantic ballad, she started off the dance floor. Chris figured she didn’t want to be adrift in a sea of couples. He was debating whether to offer her a drink when she came directly toward him.

She looked up at him, her gaze roaming over his face, a slight flush coloring her cheeks. He got the strangest feeling she was challenging him to be worthy of her attention. Her eyes weren’t as dark or as cold as he’d thought. Instead they were a warm chocolate brown fringed by long lashes and sparkling with unexpected invitation.

When she reached out to touch his forearm, his breath caught. He felt like he’d been hit by heat lightning, the kind that strikes without warning or sound. Their eyes met and sexual energy surged between them. The tingling warmth raced through his veins and straight to his groin. He stood there practically vibrating and feeling like a dork, but unwilling to break contact.

Then she slowly smiled at him, angling her head toward the dance floor. Forget what he’d told Grant about not trying to get laid. Chris returned the smile and took her hand—he would have followed her anywhere. Confidence was sexy. It was all about what you didn’t say and this gorgeous woman’s body language said it all. She wanted him and the feeling was oh so mutual.


REI DIDN’T NEED P.J.’s surreptitious thumbs up. She already felt pretty darn proud of herself.

She’d started to leave the floor when her friend walked off with a good-looking gym jockey, but the next song was one of her all-time favorites. So she’d danced by herself, letting the soft wail of the saxophone wash over her, moving her body to the beat of the percussion. She’d gotten lost in the sensuality of the music….

Only to be slammed back to reality when that arrogant Neanderthal tried to grab her. Rei used a maneuver from a self-defense class she once took then looked up to find some guy laughing at her. At least that’s what she’d thought until he kept another man from approaching her. After nodding her curious thanks, she tried to get back into the song.

Although she’d closed her eyes, she still saw his wide grin and admiring expression, the disarray of his sandy hair and the casually neat dark jeans and pressed shirt. Who was this man who’d elected himself her protector? He was attractive, but there were herds of hot guys here tonight. In fact he was almost average in height with a lean build and all-American looks, and yet there was something…

And just like that she was dancing for him. Her whole being came alive as she imagined him watching her. Her nipples hardened beneath the satin confines of the corset and a light sweat broke out on her skin. She positioned her body deliberately, blindly enticing him with provocative gestures and sexual motions.

When the music changed, she felt drawn to him, as if he were the only man there. Maybe it was the direct gaze of his light eyes or the self-assured way he carried his trim Copyright 2016 - 2024