After Us (Next Generation #6) - J.M. Walker Page 0,80

cupped his hands, and brought them up to my mouth. “I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But what I did...”

“Stop.” I straddled his lap. “You don’t have to ask for my forgiveness, Jaron, and I’m not going anywhere. What you went through in jail was so you could get home to me and our daughter. I could never repay you enough for what you did. For us. For me. You saved me and over time, I’ll save you too.”

He blew out a slow breath, leaning his forehead against mine. “You already have, baby.”

Pushing out from under my hold, he rose to his full height. Holding out his hand, he waited.

I slipped my fingers in his, letting him pull me to my feet.

Jaron stripped before helping me out of my clothes until we were both standing naked in front of each other.

“Clothes get in the way,” he murmured.

“They can,” I whispered, backing up until I hit the edge of the bed. “Come here.” I crawled onto the bed, lifted the covers, and waited.

Jaron joined me, slipping beneath the blankets and pulling me down and into his arms.

“How many?” I asked, turning to face him.

“I…” He drew in a sharp breath. “Two by myself but I assisted in many fights and started one when I first arrived.” Jaron rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. “My dad had warned me that some of Tanner’s crew was in jail with me.”

I had heard about Tanner Horsch and his club, Devil’s Rejects. Tanner was no longer the president of the club after a shady bastard took over and kicked him out. I liked to think that things happened for a reason. Tanner was now married to Jaron’s cousin, Bee, and they had a son. He was happy. I’d only met him a few times, but I could see the love he had for Bee whenever he looked at her. He was curt and to the point most times with others but when he spoke to his wife, it was like his personality completely switched. His tone was softer toward her. Almost like how Jaron was with me.

“Did they leave you alone?” I asked, needing Jaron’s voice to drown out the fears in my head.

“They did. I don’t know who told them, but they never messed with me. But it didn’t matter.”

“What do you mean?”

Jaron looked at me then. “I had to do something. I’m a biker, baby, and I’ll be president of Hell’s Harlem eventually. Most of the guys I was locked up with knew that. They also knew that my dad has been trying to clean up Hell’s Harlem’s messes for years. Before I was even born.” He turned onto his side, facing me. “I was fresh meat for them.”

I swallowed hard. “Did you start a fight to make a point?”

“I did.” He reached out and pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s not something I’m proud of and my demons will follow me to my grave, but knowing that I made it out of there and back to your arms was worth it.”

“Did they leave you alone after that?”

“They did until that time I told you about. When I was visiting with Sammy and told him I wanted to see you.” He muttered a curse. “I should have been more cautious about that shit but I missed you.”

My heart jumped. “I missed you too.”

Jaron inched closer and wrapped himself around me. “Sleep, baby. I got you.”

“No, Jaron.” I yawned. “I got you.”


Telling Piper what I had done to survive while in jail lifted some of the weight resting on my shoulders. I wouldn’t give her every bloody detail but I gave her enough so she would understand where I was coming from. Why I was quiet and withdrawn. Why I struggled in the beginning to tell her. I didn’t want to fill her head with those gory details, but she needed to know.

It was a few hours later and Piper had fallen asleep in my arms like I wanted her to. My phone vibrated, hers chimed, but we completely ignored them. Did people not sleep? Maybe it was emails coming in. Who knew? I had learned that Piper worked at the center whenever she could, but it wasn’t full time. Not that she would have to worry anymore since I was home. I would have to ask her what she did with the money I had sent her.

Piper stirred, rolled over onto her stomach, and lifted her Copyright 2016 - 2024