After Us (Next Generation #6) - J.M. Walker Page 0,117

wanted Piper, something inside of me snapped and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the hospital.

My parents had visited briefly once they found out I was awake. My mom cried. My dad choked back his own emotions. It was hard but warranted.

“How did you and Brynn end up in that motel room?” my dad asked me.

“Price’s men put us in that room. I must have passed out, but I woke up for just a second and saw them standing over me.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to ward off an incoming headache. “Price came into the room after them and shot one of the guys. I don’t know why he did it. With him, it was probably for no reason at all.”

My mom looked up at my dad. “Greyson, stop.”

Dad wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. But even though he had his wife close, I could still see the rage trembling through him. I saw it and felt it.

Nothing else was said about what happened. Instead, Brynlee was brought to me.

“Dada,” she cried out.

I hugged her close, kissing her little nose. She was beautiful. Just like her mama.

“Where’s Piper?” I asked my parents.

“She went to get some food with Cyrus and Sammy. She hasn’t eaten much while you’ve been here,” Mom said softly.

I must have passed out again because when I woke next, Piper was curled up in a nearby chair and too damn far away.

Everyone who visited was as quiet as they could be so Piper could sleep. The rest of the crew would come see me later, but my dad had said they were all there, waiting.

“Piper,” I croaked, my voice hoarse. I had been through a lot. Beaten within an inch of my life. Bitten by that fucker in jail. Shot. But waking up to that tube down my throat, would be something I would never forget.

Reaching for the Styrofoam cup, I took a sip of water and cleared my throat. “Piper.”

She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. They landed on me, sending every nerve ending in my body on high alert.

“Come here,” I demanded, a little too rough.

When she didn’t listen, my blood boiled through me. She sat there, staring at me.

“Piper,” I barked. “Get your ass over here and into my arms.”

She rose from the chair but still stood too far away. “I considered leaving you,” she finally said.

“I would have left my ass long ago,” I told her. “But you didn’t because you are a good fucking woman. Now come here.”

“I was going to take Brynlee and leave.” She looked down at the floor, wringing her hands in front of her. “But I didn’t because I love you too much.”

“Piper, please.” My voice cracked and I didn’t fucking like it. Her words hurt. I got it. I understood. But it didn’t make it any easier to hear her say it.

“This was before you came home.” She met my gaze then. “I never told you because once I had you back, everything seemed right. It was perfect. We struggled and I’m sure we’ll continue to struggle but I wouldn’t want to struggle with anyone else.”

“Piper,” I whispered.

She closed the distance between us and threw herself around me. Finally.

I latched on to her, pulling at her clothes, trying to get her closer but no matter how close we were, it would never be enough. I hadn’t been gone for long, but it was long enough.

Piper’s body trembled against me, her shoulders shaking with her soft cries.

Fisting her hair, I captured her mouth with mine. Her tears coated my tongue, making my tastebuds tingle.

“Jaron,” she whispered, sniffing.

I pulled back, cupping the sides of her head and covering her face with soft pecks. “I love you, Piper. You’re the beginning to my end. The calm to my wild. The sanity to my crazy.”

She smiled, covering my hands, a soft breath shuddering through her.

“You have given me the greatest gifts a man could ever ask for. I’m sorry. For everything. For all of the pain I’ve caused you. But I’m not sorry for getting rid of Brody and I’m not sorry for going after Price. I know my temper gets in the way, but I promise, it’ll never be geared toward you, baby. Ever.” My hand moved to the back of her head, my fingers tightening in her hair. “I know that we’ve struggled but there’s no one else I’d rather do this with. Even if we need Copyright 2016 - 2024