Before & After - Nazarea Andrews Page 0,40

I don’t know where Rike is,” I say.

His eyebrows go up and he frowns. “How the hell do you not know where Rike is? Why isn’t he here?”

Because I’m terrified, because I don’t know how to be with him, because I want him so much it’s scary. I don’t say any of that. Just chew on the inside of my cheek while Brody stares at me, and I can watch him puzzle through it, putting the pieces where they belong.

He sighs. “How much did you forget, Pey?”

“Everything. Everything from that last stint in rehab to when I woke up. I remembered Lindsay’s mom’s name, but I couldn’t tell you why. I remember that I don’t like Mom and Dad.”

He snorts. “You’d have to be dead to forget that sweetheart. I assume that’s why you didn’t call them?”

I nod and he grins.

“Good call. So. Tell me what you want.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know.” I’ve thought, so often, about calling Brody. But he’s always been the one to push me, to demand my very best even when he love me at my worst. It’s why I haven’t called. I can’t be my best right now.

“Do you want to go home? Or do you want me to get you away from everything for a while so you can get a grip on things?”

He’s watching me, closely enough that he sees the hope flare in my gaze, and he smirks. “Ok. Then let’s pack you up and get out of here. Ok?”

And just like that, a chapter of my life is closed. Brody goes to work packing up the books and clothes and shit I have in the hotel room, and I direct as much as I can while he ignores me. Tommy comes by and I cry a little, saying goodbye to him. I know that it isn’t the last time I’ll see him, that I have his phone number to call him. That eventually, my life will settle.

But for now, I’m running and there’s no room for him.

And because he’s always been amazing, and just what I need, he merely smiles and waves at me as I drive away with Brody.

My brother eyes me as we hit the expressway that will take us away from Austin.

Away from Rike.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I nod, and he lets out a deep sigh. “Ok. But there’s no harm in being wrong. You can change your mind. And when you do, I’ll still love you. I’ll bring you home, without a word. Do you understand?”

I twist my head to look at him. I do. My brother is an absolute gem. “How did I get so lucky to have a brother like you?” I ask softly.

He laughs. “Well, God had to give you something to compensate for the rest of the family.”

Chapter 19: Before

“But what the hell is wrong with the couch we have?”

I swallow my laugh as Scott glares across the apartment full of boxes and empty beer cans.

Lindsay narrows her eyes and stares at her boyfriend. “I was one of your one-nighters, Scotty. I’m not a fucking idiot, and that piece of shit pussy magnet is not going to be in my house!”

“I like my couch!”

She pops a hip out and crosses her arms, eyebrows climbing as Peyton comes out of the kitchen with two beers. She’s laughing. “Do you like getting your dick sucked? Because if you keep that? We’re out. I’ve still got my room at the sorority house.”

“Couch goes, bro,” I say from the floor where I’m assembling Peyton’s bookshelves.

“You are so fucking whipped, man,” Scott says.

I shrug, and Peyton sashays over to me, leaning down to kiss me briefly. “He’s not whipped.”

“No, baby. I’m whipped. And if he got to fuck you, he’d be whipped too.”

She flushes and I laugh. Even after six months together, she’s still slightly scandalized by the laissez-faire approach Scott and I have to sex.

When her clothes are on. When I’ve got her naked in my bed, all of that good, proper girl melts away.

“Do we at least get to help pick the damn thing?” Scott demands and Lindsay smirks. I swallow my laugh as I stand, pulling a finished bookcase with me.

“You already picked it, didn’t you?” I say, and she flashes me a wide smile.

“It’ll be delivered in the morning, so y’all need to finish this room before then.”

Scott curses and I let out a heavy sigh. “Linds, that’s just dirty. At least give us a little time.”

She shrugs Copyright 2016 - 2024