After (The After Series) - Anna Todd Page 0,78

to Hardin and his moodiness, so I’m not really paying attention to the essay I’m supposed to be writing. It has been only two hours since I got off the phone with Noah, but it seems like four.

I decide to find a movie and lie in bed until I fall asleep, settling on The Vow despite the fact that I have seen it numerous times. Less than ten minutes into the movie I hear someone cursing outside in the hall. I turn the volume up on my laptop and ignore the cursing; it’s Friday, which means drunk people all over the dorms tonight. A few minutes later, I hear the cursing again—a male voice, then a female voice joins in. The guy shouts louder, and then I recognize the accent. It’s Hardin.

I jump off my bed and swing open the door to find him sitting on the floor with his back against the wall outside my room. An angry girl with bleach-blond hair is standing over him, scowling with her hands on her hips.

“Hardin?” I say, and he looks up.

A huge grins slides over his face. “Theresa . . .” he says and begins to stand.

“Can you please tell your boyfriend to get away from my door—he spilled vodka all over the floor!” the girl yells.

I look at Hardin. “He’s not my . . .” I start to say, but Hardin grabs my hand and pulls me toward my door.

“Sorry for the spill,” he says and rolls his eyes at the blonde. She huffs and storms into her room, slamming her door.

“What are you doing here, Hardin?” I ask him. He tries to walk past me and into my room but I block the entrance.

“Why can’t I come in, Tessa? I will be nice to your grandpa.” He laughs and I roll my eyes. I know he is making fun of Noah.

“He isn’t here.”

“Why not? Okay, so let me in then,” he says, slurring his words.

“No, are you drunk?” My eyes scan his face. His eyes are red, and his smirk gives it all away. He takes his lip between his teeth and puts his hands into his pockets.

“I thought you didn’t drink, but now you have been drinking a lot.”

“It’s only been twice. Chill out,” he says, and pushes past me and flops down on my bed. “So why didn’t Noah come?”

“I don’t know,” I lie.

He nods several times, like he’s considering this seriously. “Sure. The Gap probably had a sale on cardigans, so he canceled on you.” He bursts out laughing, and the energy in the room is such that I can’t help but join him.

“So where is Molly?” I ask. “At a Skanks ‘R’ Us sale?”

Hardin stops for a second and then laughs harder. “That was a terrible attempt at a comeback, Theresa,” he jokes, and I kick my foot at where his shins dangle over the bed.

“Either way, you can’t stay here. Noah and I are back together, officially.”

I notice his smile fade and he rubs his hands against his knees. “Nice pajamas,” he says, and I look down.

Why is he being so cavalier? We haven’t resolved anything, and the last time I checked we were both staying away from each other.

“Hardin, you have to go.”

“Let me guess: one of Noah’s conditions for reconciliation was that you have to stay away from me?” His tone is more serious now.

“Yeah, and the last time I checked you and I weren’t friends or even speaking. Why did you drop Literature and why did you hit Landon?”

“Why do you always ask so many questions?” he whines. “I don’t want to talk about any of that! What were you and your cool pajamas doing before I came in—and why is your light off?” Hardin is much more playful when he has been drinking but I am beginning to wonder why he’s begun drinking when he didn’t before.

“I was watching a movie,” I tell him; maybe if I am nice to him he will answer some of my questions.

“What movie?”

“The Vow,” I answer and look at him. I expect him to laugh at me and after a few seconds he does.

“You would like that sappy movie. That is so unrealistic.”

“It’s based on a true story,” I correct him.

“It still seems stupid.”

“Have you even seen it?” I ask him, and he shakes his head.

“I don’t have to see it to know it’s stupid. I can tell you how it ends right now: she gets her memory back and they live happily ever Copyright 2016 - 2024