After (The After Series) - Anna Todd Page 0,128

as you at getting drunk and hanging all over every guy in the place.”

“Excuse me?” she says.

“You heard me.”

“What’s your problem? Mad that I kissed Hardin? Because, guess what, sweetie, I kiss Hardin all the time,” she brags.

I feel the blood draining from my face. I look at Hardin, who doesn’t say anything. So he’s been messing with Molly the entire time? This doesn’t surprise me as much as it should. I don’t even have a comeback for her. I try to think of something to say back, anything really, but I can’t. I’m sure as soon as I walk away I will think of ten replies, but right now I have nothing.

“Let’s go inside . . .” Tristan suggests and grabs Molly and Steph by their arms. I try to give him a thankful smile as they start to go.

“You too, Hardin. Get away from me,” I say and stare at the street.

“I haven’t kissed her, I mean lately. Except for tonight. I swear,” he says.

Why is he saying this in front of them?

Molly turns around.

“I don’t really give a shit who you kiss. Now get away from me,” I repeat.

A huge wave of relief washes over me as I see Landon’s car pull up. “Thanks again,” I tell Zed.

“No problem, don’t forget what we talked about,” he says hopefully, reminding me of our supposed “date.”

“Tessa . . .” Hardin calls as I step toward the car. When I ignore him, he calls louder. “Tessa!”

“I have said everything I have to say to you, Hardin. I am done listening to you and your bullshit—now leave me the fuck alone!” I scream, turning around to face him. I am aware everyone’s eyes are on us, but I have had enough.

“I . . . Tessa, I . . .”

“You what? You what, Hardin?” I scream even louder.

“I . . . I love you!” he yells.

And all the air disappears from my lungs.

And Molly sounds like she is choking.

And Steph looks like she has seen a ghost.

And for a few moments everyone just stands there, like something alien has passed by us and left us frozen. When at last I can speak, I say quietly, “You’re sick, Hardin, you’re really fucking sick.”

Despite the fact that I know this is part of his game, it still awakens something inside me to hear those words come off his lips. I grab for the door handle on Landon’s car but I am yanked away by Hardin.

“It’s true, I do. I know you won’t believe me, but I do. I love you.” His eyes brim with tears. His lips press in a hard line and he covers his face with his hands. He takes a step back, then another forward, and when he takes his hands away, his green eyes appear sincere, full of panic.

Hardin . . . he’s a better actor than I thought. I can’t believe he is doing this in front of everyone.

I shove him backward and open the car door, locking it before Hardin regains his balance. As Landon drives off, Hardin bangs his hands against the window, and I put my hands over my face so he doesn’t see me cry.

chapter sixty-one

After I finally stop sobbing, Landon quietly asks, “Did I hear him say that he loves you?”

“Yeah . . . I don’t know . . . He was just trying to cause a scene or something,” I say, and almost start crying again.

“Do you think . . . don’t get mad at me . . . but do you think that maybe he does? You know, love you?”

“What? Of course not. I am not even sure if he even likes me. I mean, when we’re alone he is so different, and I think maybe he does care about me. But I know he doesn’t love me. He isn’t capable of loving anyone other than himself,” I explain.

“I’m on your side, Tessa, I am,” Landon replies. “But the look on his face as we drove away, he looked heartbroken. And you can’t be heartbroken if you aren’t in love.”

That can’t be true. I felt my heart shatter when he kissed Molly, but I don’t love him.

“Do you love him?” he asks simply.

My voice comes out strained and my words too quick. “No. I don’t love him . . . he is . . . well . . . he’s a jerk. I have known him less than two months, and half of that . . . actually all of that time Copyright 2016 - 2024