Adverse Possession (The Anna Albertini Files #3) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,34

I tried to check in on you, but the nurse wouldn’t let me. Said they were looking you over.”

I pushed a button on the nearby control panel, and the bed sat me up. There was something familiar about the guy, and it took me a second to recognize him as the driver of the blue car in the accident. I gasped. Thank goodness he wasn’t dead. We’d crashed right into the side of his car—on the driver’s door. “You were in the other car. Are you okay? I’m so sorry about this.” Yeah, as a lawyer, I should’ve never said those words. Right now, I didn’t care. My car had been forced into his, and it wasn’t either of our fault.

He limped inside, his jeans slightly bloody, and pain lines deepening on either side of his mouth. “Yeah. I’m okay. Just a bunch of bruises and a dislocated shoulder. I wanted to make sure you’re all right.”

Kelsey held out a hand. “I’m Kelsey and this is Anna.” She blushed a light pink.

I thought she had a boyfriend? Must not be serious. Or maybe my slight concussion was just making life confusing right now.

He took her hand with his good one. “Teddy Thompson. Wrong place at the wrong time. As usual.”

Kelsey drew out one of the two guest chairs. “You should probably sit down.”

Teddy smiled at her and then sat. “You’re a godsend.”

She preened. I swear, she preened. But he seemed like a decent guy so far, and it’d be nice to see her flirt with somebody kind. Wow. Maybe I had inherited Nonna’s matchmaking gene. “You should sit as well, Kelsey. We were all injured.”

Kelsey sat next to Teddy, her worried gaze still on me. “Are you sure your brain is working? I’ve never seen somebody stay out for that long. Your head has to hurt.”

“It does but not as much as I’d expect.” I set the blanket more securely over my legs. Where were my clothes?

Teddy’s eyes now sparkled through the pain. “The cops want to talk to us, but I wanted to make sure you both were okay first.”

I finally started to think like a lawyer. This guy may sue me. So could Kelsey, for that matter. Although anybody seeing the wreck would know that it wasn’t my fault. I’d been waiting at the red light, and the truck had deliberately plowed into me. One of us could’ve been killed. Anger filtered through the fog in my head.

A uniformed officer walked into the room, and I relaxed when I saw it was Bud Orlov. Bud had deep black eyes set into a hardened face. His hair was a short buzz, and he had more muscles than I could count. He’d been assigned to protect me earlier in the summer, and I’d accidentally gotten him shot once. I think he’d considered dating Donna but had changed his mind because of me and the dangerous situations that seemed to ensue. “Hi, Bud.”

He walked closer. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Bruised and concussed. Nothing new.” Unfortunately a true statement. “It wasn’t my fault.”

Teddy leaned back in his chair. “Her car was hit by a Ford truck and pushed into the intersection, where we collided. She’d been parked at the light, and I had a green light, so I was proceeding through the intersection when she was hit from behind.”

Relief sizzled through my arms and I completely relaxed. Teddy had seen everything that had happened and wasn’t out to get me. Hopefully the women in the truck carried insurance. “That’s all true.”

Bud surveyed the room with his dark gaze. “That’s what we’ve heard from witnesses on the sidewalk as well. We’re running down the license plate number from Washington state. Can you tell me who was driving the truck or why you were targeted? This time?”

How much should I tell him? Aiden still was undercover, and I was a suspect in Sasha’s death, but those women could’ve killed somebody. I went with the full truth. Well, almost. “I don’t know their names, but I recognized the two women in the front seat as being friends of folks in the Lorde’s motorcycle club.” Bud wouldn’t know about Aiden being ATF, probably. I think just a couple of the higher-ups and Detective Pierce were privy to that information right now. I hoped.

Bud lifted one thick eyebrow. “Aren’t you still dating Aiden Devlin?”

I nodded and instantly regretted the movement when lights flashed behind my eyes with stabbing precision.

“Isn’t he the president of the Lordes?” Bud Copyright 2016 - 2024