Adverse Possession (The Anna Albertini Files #3) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,108

over me and tugged at my shoulder strap.

I closed my eyes and forced my body to stay as still as possible.

She pulled free with a triumphant grunt. “Got it.” She set my frilly beige bra on her thigh.

I reached over with my free hand, even though my raw skin was stinging pretty badly. “I’ll hold it still and you work the underwire free.”

She picked at the fabric. “Ug. We need something sharp.”

“I’ve got it.” Just moving my arm, I brought the bra to my mouth to bite through the small fabric at the base of the cup. The silk shredded, and I used my teeth to latch onto the wire and pull it free. The bra fell to my lap. “Here you go. Do yours first.” I handed the wire to Kelsey.

She took it and leaned away so she could see. “Do you have any tips?”

“Nope. Just put the wire where the key goes and try to work it all around.” I set my head back again.

She tried several times with no luck. Then she tried again, and something clicked. “I’m free.” She swung wide eyes to me. “I can’t believe that worked.” She rolled out her now free arm and then scooted around my legs to my other side. “I’ll try not to move you. Just hold still.” She leaned closer and her hair brushed my face. After several tries, my lock clicked and my arm fell to the floor.

I shook out my hand. “Nice job.” We both wore half a cuff, but at least we weren’t attached to the wall. I grabbed her arm with my free hand. “You have to go. Find help. Go, now.”

Indecision crossed her pretty face. “I can’t leave you.”

I’d known she was a sweetheart with a strong backbone. Even though I wanted to smile at her, my lips weren’t working. “Go find help, Kelsey. It’s our only chance,” I said. We probably had about five minutes left before the bomb detonated, and there was no reason for both of us to die. My body began to tremble and I couldn’t stop it. “Please, go. Find somebody. Find a phone.”

Sirens suddenly sliced through the rain outside. The sound of screeching tires coincided with another lighting strike.

Kelsey hovered near me. “Help is here.” Tears tracked down her face.

The door burst open and Aiden ran inside, his phone in his hand, an ATF jacket dripping rain from his shoulders. He took the scene in instantly and was at my side. “Kelsey, get out of here,” he said.

Chelli, Saber, and Drag ran inside followed by several uniformed police officers.

“I’m staying,” Kelsey said, the bra wire still in her hand.

Aiden ducked his head to study the wrapping on my leg. “Saber? Clear the vicinity. Everyone to the far end of the runways at minimum.”

Drag looked over his shoulder. “That won’t pack enough to go much past this building.”

Aiden dropped to his haunches and set his bag next to me, his blue gaze on my leg. “Barensky would’ve left secondary devices throughout this place. Once this one goes, the whole building will follow. Clear it. Now.”

Saber knelt on the other side, his focus on my knee. “This is a two person job. Chelli and Drag, clear it.”

Chelli turned and ran back to the officers while Drag grasped Kelsey’s arm.

“No,” she protested, fighting him. “Anna and I are in this together.”

I swear, I loved her right there. Whatever happened, we were going to be good friends forever. I hoped forever lasted beyond the next couple of minutes. ”Kelsey? You have to go. We can’t let Barensky win like this.”

She set her chin.

“Drag?” Aiden said.

Drag lifted her right off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder to stride toward the doorway, where Chelli had already cleared everyone out.

The door shut with a bang of finality.

Saber pointed a bright flashlight at the bomb. “Nice threads.”

“Yeah.” Aiden reached into his bag and pointed some device at the bomb, read it, and nodded. “All right.” He took out a small set of scissors and then looked at my face. “You’ve been doing a great job, Angel. Now I need you to hold on a little while longer, okay?”

Tears pricked the back of my eyes, and I tried to stop breathing. “Teddy is in the office. Barensky shot him three times, and then there was blood.”

Saber leaned over and looked into the office. “I see a body.”

“Need to concentrate on this,” Aiden said. His hands were shockingly steady as he moved over me and Copyright 2016 - 2024