Adrian's Vengeance - Isabella Starling Page 0,84

her blonde locks. "Let's just say everything isn't as it seems."

"With your father?"

"That too," she mutters. "Just—don't get me in trouble. This wedding has to happen. If it doesn't, I'll lose everything."

My heart hurts for her. She never told me the exact reason she's so determined to marry Adrian, but I know she's dead-set on it happening, even though she doesn't feel the same way I do about Adrian. "Maybe if you told me what's going on I could help," I say again.

"I can't. It doesn't just concern me, it concerns papa as well," she admits brokenly. "I have to protect him at all costs, and the only way for me to do that is to marry Adrian."

We stand there in silence as I contemplate her words. I understand the grave situation, and I realize there's no way we can be friends. Not when we both want the same man ‒ albeit for different reasons. "Okay," I finally manage. "Do you want me to stay out of your way?"

"I think that would be for the best," Nicoletta mutters. "Don't take it personally. In another world, we could have been friends."

But not in this one, I think to myself. Message received. "I'll let you be then." I nod. "Sorry about the rehearsal dinner. I'll take care of everything."

"Thanks," she answers stiffly, heading for the door. Her hand pauses on the doorknob, and she turns to look at me one last time. "And I appreciate everything you've done for me, nevertheless. I know it's not easy for you either, this thing with Adrian. It must be devastating to watch the man you love getting ready to marry someone else."

As she leaves, the guard locks me in, as I realize just how right she is. The mental toll of watching Adrian with her has fucking destroyed me.

But I don't love him.

How could I love the man whose fault it is my entire family got slaughtered?



It's the night of my rehearsal dinner. We're still a way off from the wedding, but Father wants everything to go perfectly the night of. He's not taking any risks. And as much as I'm dreading this event, I’m excited as Marzia will be taking Nicoletta's role.

My bride-to-be has retreated to her quarters with some mysterious illness I'm not privy too and Marzia has been thrust into wedding preparations, full-force. Since she has the same stature as Nicoletta, the seamstress is even making her try on all of Nicoletta's clothes, so she can make adjustments.

As I check out my reflection in the mirror in my room, I find myself nervous about the outcome of the night. I know I'm going to have to be careful to hide my true feelings for Marzia. At least, Gustavo won't be there. I have a feeling nothing would escape his watchful gaze, especially with Nicoletta not deigning us with her presence.

Straightening my tie, I smirk at my reflection. I look good and I fucking know it. Well, if Father is so intent on going through with this charade, I'm going to make the most of it. I'm going to have some fun while I do it, too.

The rehearsal party is in full swing by the time I come downstairs. I'm greeted and welcomed by business associates, ass-kissers and people who want something from me on my wedding day. It's hard to pay any of them the attention they so badly crave. I'm waiting for Marzia. My eyes are glued to the top of the stairs where she will soon appear, taking my fiancée's role.

And Marzia doesn't disappoint.

Half an hour after arriving at the party, I raise my eyes to the top of the stairs, and there she is, looking gorgeous as ever in a skintight white dress. The dress is long, tight, with a mermaid train. No sleeves, and clings to her curves in a way that makes my heart race and my cock tighten in my pants.

I want her. In fact, I've never wanted her more.

As I watch the rest of the people at the party watching her, drinking her in with hungry eyes, my hands tighten into fists. I fucking hate them looking at her, hate the way their eyes swallow her up as if she's some fucking treat for everyone to enjoy. The whispers follow next, people talking about her, noticing she isn't Nicoletta but instead, the heiress of the Da Costa family, whose fall from grace has been scandalous to say the least.

Most of these people didn't know my Copyright 2016 - 2024