Adiron (Corsair Brothers #1) - Ruby Dixon Page 0,58

Mathiras get to work, strapping Helen into her seat and then moving into his own. Jade keeps waving, remaining in place, and Helen offers her a timid wave before the pod windows go black and then the pod itself detaches from the wall and heads down the chute to eject into space.

The moment the second pod is out of sight, Jade sags, like all the strength has left her body. It's quiet in the ship, and I can only imagine how she feels. First Ruth, now Helen and Alice. I put a hand on her shoulder and rub. Maybe she could use a snack. I like to eat when I'm depressed, because it always makes me feel better. "Do you want to…"

My words die in my throat as she turns and buries her face against my chest. A low sob escapes her, and her arms go around my waist.


I hold her tight as she cries into my uniform, rubbing her back and murmuring positive-sounding stuff to her. Things like “you made the right decision” and “everything's going to be fine” when who the kef knows what's going to happen now. Danger and taking risks is just a part of my life, but I guess it hasn't been a part of Jade's.

It makes me want to protect her even more.

"Hey now," I murmur, resisting the urge to bury my face in her fluffy hair and just drink in her scent. "Are you crying because you're stuck with me for the next month? I promise I'll be a good roommate. I might even pick up after myself."

She sob-laughs. "Liar. I saw your quarters. You're a pig."

"That's an earth animal, right? Are they handsome?"

Jade gives another teary laugh, sniffing. "Oh, the handsomest." She pulls back—much to my dismay—and gives me a faint smile. "You're trying to distract me, aren't you?"

"Me?" I pretend to be shocked. "I would never."

She rolls her eyes, but the smile plays at her lips. Jade swipes at her nose, staring glumly at the empty chambers where the two pods were. "Remind me that this is for the best?"

"It's absolutely for the best," I tell her. I move back to her side and put a hand on her shoulder. I want her to get used to me touching her, because I absolutely intend on touching her in the next while…as long as she lets me, that is. And when she covers my hand with her own, I fight the urge to grab her and kiss the kef out of her like they do in the human vids that Zoey loved. Most mesakkah are horrified by mouth-on-mouth stuff, but I think it'd be keffing grand. I'm certainly ready to tangle tongues with Jade and see what it's like. "If you're worried about Kaspar or Mathiras, I can assure you that they really are good guys. Neither one will touch the girls."

She crosses her arms over her chest, hugging herself, and I notice that her clothing is a modified jumper like my own, except the stitches have been pulled out and awkwardly re-done up the sides. It reminds me that everything she has, everything she wears, she's had to fight for and reclaim. Jade is so keffing strong. I'm in awe of her. The human female stares at the spots where the escape pods left just a short time ago, and she seems to be lost in her thoughts. "I've always had them, you know? No matter how scary or wild things got, we had each other. And now we're all separated. I guess I'm scared for me as much as I am for them."

I gesture at one of the remaining pods. "We can go, too, if you want. You know I'll follow you anywhere."

Her smile is faint as she looks back at me. "I can't do that. Those people sleeping in those pods, I have an obligation to them. I'm going to keep them safe and watch over them, because it's what I'd want someone to do for me."

Even though no one did it for her.

"Well, luckily you have me to entertain you in the next month," I tell her with a grand sweep of my arm. "And I am quite the entertaining male, or so I have been told." I grin at her, determined to keep my spirits light in the hopes that I can buoy hers. "I never did get a proper tour of this place. You want to show me the ship?"

She bites her lip, then shakes her Copyright 2016 - 2024