Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,84

walk with Wraith out the back of the church. Sava’s dead body catches my attention. It’s sad Wraith won’t get to know his brother, but considering they were just going to keep coming after Wraith for something he did years ago, then that’s not a family Wraith deserves to have.

We make our way out to where a bunch of cages are all lined up. No bikes. I guess riding up on a Harley does give away the element of surprise. Wraith walks me over to a black pick-up and hoists me into the passenger side. He leans over doing up my belt, then plants a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Keep putting pressure on your neck, baby.”

His caring side is shining through, plus, he called me baby. Swoon.


Wraith closes the door and walks around to the driver’s side. He says something to Kevlar and Texas before jumping in.

Just us.


Tension fills the air as he starts the pick-up.

I told him I loved him.

I wonder, did he truly take those words in?

For some reason now, it’s all I can think about.

Did I scare him by saying them?

Does the fact he didn’t say it back mean something?

“You okay over there, you’re thinking pretty damn hard.” Wraith starts the truck, reverses out, then takes off back to the clubhouse.

“I’m okay… a little overwhelmed by all this. But this isn’t about me. How are you feeling? You just found out about a whole other family you had no idea about. That Damir is your brother. That’s gotta make you feel some kinda way?”

Rolling his shoulders like a weight is weighing them down, he exhales. “I don’t know how it makes me feel. Knowing that in juvie he knew who I was the entire time, and all that time that’s why he bullied, harassed, and made my life a living hell, and now I know that’s why he tried to kill me, it’s fucked up.”

“I can’t imagine what you must be going through. Just know I’m here for you. If you wanna talk, or unload, or hell, if you need to just lay with me and sleep. I’m good for that, too.”

Wraith glances across at me, the hint of a smile breaking through. I love seeing him smile. “You’re so fucking good to me. I don’t deserve you.”

“Stop saying that. We deserve each other, Wraith. When we’re not sabotaging this…” I wave my hands between us, “… we’re good together. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, I do. And we are. I just need to figure this shit out with Zero and get him home before Damir fucks him over because we fucked him over.”

“Do you have any ideas?”

“Nothing at the moment. I’ll put in a call to Finley when we get back to see how shit’s moving with her. See where we’re sitting ‘cause whatever it is, we need to move quicker now.”

“Wraith… when I thought Vlatko was gonna shoot you tonight…” My chest squeezes as I reach out grabbing his hand on the gearstick.

His eyes shift to meet mine briefly before turning back to the road. “I know I scared you. I’m sorry it came close. I realize all of this is triggering for you. I just wish they didn’t know you were my weakness.”

I squeeze his hand tighter pulling it up to my chest. “I’m just so fucking happy you’re alive.”

Wraith pulls my hand over to his mouth, kisses the back of it, then presses it to his cheek. “For you, Prinie, I’m not going anywhere.”

For the first time, I believe him.

And for the first time in as long as I remember, I don’t feel like running.

I want to tackle this head-on with him.

I want to run into whatever’s coming our way, and I want to face it as part of Defiance with my brothers and sisters around me. Because they fought like hell to get me—so it’s time I started fighting like hell for them too.

No. More. Running.


Arriving back at the clubhouse, I was swarmed as soon as I entered. Wraith was dragged off, probably to deal with club business and to make that phone call we all know is so important. But the ladies of the club surrounded me, welcoming me back with open arms. Especially Cherry. I knew she cared for me, I guess I just never realized how deep our friendship was until she sobbed when she saw me enter.

But after all the commotion died down, and I was finally allowed some space, I am now sitting with Chills as she Copyright 2016 - 2024