Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,45

seemed like he was itching for some action, so I figured I’d let him tag along.”

“And why didn’t you run this by me before you sent them off?”

Neon places his device down on the table in the hallway. “You were with Prinie… didn’t want to disturb you and what you need to tell her. But I had to get Slick off quickly to follow the tracker before it got too far away. The matter was urgent. I ran it by Texas and Chains, and they said to go for it.”

He did the right thing.

“Okay. Good job. Prinie’s not in a good way. I can’t be there for her like she needs. As much as it kills me, I have to send Phantom in to watch over her. They have a good bond. He’ll stop her from doing anything fucking stupid.”

“It’s gotten that bad?” Neon’s voice is now full of concern.

“I don’t know. Maybe. She said some shit that has me worried. I need her guarded all the time. She loves Koda more than anything, he will keep her grounded. But if this shit goes down with Zero the way I think it will, then she’s going to be inconsolable.”

Neon clasps my shoulder with a heavy exhale. “We’re in this together. We’ll all take care of her. But for now, I need you in some dry clothes and come deal with this package issue ‘cause Slick should be there soon, and I need you around when he does.”

The shower will have to wait.

“Give me a minute to get into some fresh clothes, and I will meet you in the chapel. Get the rest of the brothers, I’ll be there soon.”

Neon dips his chin, then turns, heading down the stairs.

We’ve let whoever this is get away with this shit for far too fucking long. It’s time for payback, and I am itching for a little vengeance right about now.


Dressed in a fresh, dry pair of jeans and a T-shirt with my cut—got to love the versatility of a leather cut—I make my way downstairs. Ruby and Nessie are chatting with Cherry at the bar. I’m aware where Cherry’s head is at with this whole Zero situation after our chat, but honestly, misery loves company. So, I walk over to Cherry gripping her shoulder.

She spins, giving me a somber expression. “Anyone gonna ever fill me on what went down at the jail today?”

My jaw ticks as I try to change the subject. “Cherry, I know you and Prinie are tight. But she’s struggling right now, and in all honesty, I’m concerned for her well-being. I can’t be the one to help her through this, but you two have been there for each other this last year. Maybe you can talk to her? Give her some comfort that she isn’t in this alone.”

“Of course, she isn’t alone. I’m such an idiot for not seeing the signs. I’ve been too busy drowning in my own misery to see hers. Where is she?”

“In her room.”

“Wraith, thanks for caring about Prinie in the way you do.” At least someone can see how much I care for her. She spins on her heel, then scurries off for the stairs.

Turning, I make my way to the chapel, and as I walk in, all my brothers are waiting. Neon sits in his seat with a screen set up at the end of the table where Slick normally sits. It has a tracking beacon flashing, and everyone’s watching it move.

I close the door behind me, then take my seat at the table. “What’s happening?”

Neon, peers past Ax. “Slick and Blake are riding. I’ve sent the signal from the tracking beacon to Slick’s cell. It’s here in Houston. It appears, a couple of the packages are being taken from the cargo when they’re being loaded, then the rest of the haul is shipped off. I can’t tell if it’s our driver who’s doing the dirty or someone in the shipping yard.”

“Either way, someone’s gonna pay for this. How many trackers are pinging?”

“We have four this time, previously it was two. I only assume whoever took them last time is taking them believing they have gotten away with it before. So, this time they took double… they’re getting greedy.”

“Yeah, well, we were in the middle of a fucking problem with Cherry that first time. We’re in even deeper shit now with Zero and the Baron, but we can’t let whoever this is keep fucking us in the ass.”

“Here, here,” resounds around the room.

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