Addictive (Houston Defiance MC #2) - K.E. Osborn Page 0,26

out of a hat?”

Phantom raises his brow with that all-too-familiar smirk. “Well, I mean he’s going to prison, so I guess…”

I scowl. “That’s not funny, Phantom.”

He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me to him. “Trust me, Zero’s capable of protecting himself. No one’s going near him in there. And if they do, they’re not walking away without getting fucking hurt themselves. He’s strong, Prinie. He’s gonna be fine.”

Koda walks over, his concerned face showing a barrage of emotions as he steps to the side of the table. “Prinie, you need to tell me what’s happening.”

I exhale reaching out for his hand. “Zero’s been taken in for charges he obviously didn’t commit. The Baron’s trying to pin shit on him for what happened to Chuck—”

“But if he didn’t do it, then he’ll be set free… right?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Why? If he didn’t do it, then won’t the judge or whatever see that?”

Even though everything he’s asking should be the way it should go, it won’t be. “Things don’t always go the way they’re supposed to. The way the legal system is meant to run isn’t always straight down the line.”

“Why the fuck not? He didn’t do it, so he should be home with us.”

“I know, Koda, but the Baron—”

“Fuck the Baron! Prinie, Zero shouldn’t be away from us. Our family has been through enough. We’ve been apart for too long, and now he gets taken away for something he didn’t even do.”

I stand trying to placate him. “I know... it’s just how things run. The Baron has his fingers in a lot of pies, and he pulls all the strings, Koda.”

“This is fucking bullshit! We just got back. I just got him back. And now he’s going to be gone for who knows how long. I missed a year with him because you took him away from me,” he yells right in my face.

The pure anger seeping from him is palpable.

My stomach knots as tears well in my eyes, and I blink them away.

Problem is, he’s right.

I wasted a year of us being together as a family.

That’s on me.

I let out a sob, the emotion of this all too much as I turn, rushing for the back door. I make my way outside, fat tears streaming down my face making it hard to see as I take a seat next to the fire pit. Bringing my feet up on the edge of the chair, I wrap my arms around my legs and press my forehead to my knees.

The crunching of the pebbled ground lets me know someone’s approaching, but I don’t make a move to see who it is. Instead, I try to pull myself together.

Whoever it is moves into the seat next to me.

“He doesn’t mean to lash out, Koda’s hurting and scared. He’s young, he doesn’t understand how to filter his frustrations properly.” Phantom’s calm voice floats through the soft breeze.

Lifting my head, Phantom clouds in my vision as I wipe my wet cheeks. “You think Koda resents me for taking him away?”

Phantom shrugs. “I figure he’s glad to be home. He loves his family, and that’s all that matters, Prinie. You don’t need to worry about the past. Stop dwelling on it and think about the present. That’s more important right now.”

I know he’s right.

“I feel guilty for spending a year away from Zero. Now he could be going away for a long-ass time. I wasted what could have been our last year together… I can’t help but have regrets about that.”

“You can’t dwell on it, either. We have to believe Wraith and Finley will find a way out of this. And you know, while it’s all happening, you have the biggest support system here at the club… in me.”

I turn to face him. “You’re so good to me.”

We stand, and I walk to him, taking him in a tight embrace.

Phantom always has a way of making me feel safe. He’s feels like comfort. It’s easy with him. His hands smooth up and down my back as I let him console me in this moment. I just needed to know I’m not the bad person I feel like I am.

For taking Koda away from Zero.

For always running when shit gets tough.

For not loving the club like I should.

I feel like a failure, but hugging Phantom right now, it’s giving me a bit of the comfort I need.

Suddenly, my skin prickles. Goosebumps run down my arms. The hairs stand to attention on the back of my neck. Copyright 2016 - 2024