Aces Abroad Page 0,201

questioning, but was released when nothing conclusive could be found. They had tried the simple expedient of checking the phone book, and-not surprisingly-Andrieux had not been listed. Jack sighed, rocked back in his chair, and returned his glasses to his shirt pocket. The Eiffel Tower cast an elongated shadow across the outdoor cafe.

"It's getting late, and we've got that dinner at the Tour Eiffel."

"I'm not going."


"No, I'm going to go talk to Claude Bonnell."


"Bonnell, Bonnell! Le Miroir, you know?" ..Why?

"Because he's a major figure in the Communist Party. He may be able to obtain Andrieux's address for me."

"And if that fails?" The smoke from the cigarette formed a loop in the air between them.

" I don't want to think about that."

"Well, you better, if you really want to find this guy."

"So what's your suggestion?"

"Try tracing the materials used in the bomb. They had to buy the stuff somewhere."

Tach made a face. "Sounds slow and tedious."

"It is."

"Then I'll pin my hope on Bonnell."

"Fine, you hope, and I'll pursue my bomb idea. Of course, how we're going to get that information I'm not certain. I suppose you could always go to see Rochambeau and pick his brains. . . ."

Tachyon steepled his fingers before his face and peered speculatively over the top at Jack. "I have a better idea."


"Don't sound so suspicious. You and Billy Ray could talk to Rochambeau about the bomb. Say that you think it was meant for the senator-it might have been for all we knowsuggest that you pool information."

"Might work." Jack ground out the cigarette. "Billy Ray is a justice Department ace, and Hartmann's bodyguard. 'Course he's bound to ask why I'm involved."

"Just tell him it's because you're Golden Boy." And the tone was undiluted acid.

Bonnell's dressing room backstage at the Lido was typical. The strong odor of cold cream, greasepaint, and hair spray overlaying the fainter scents of old sweat and stale perfume.

Tachyon straddled a chair, arms resting along the back, and watched the joker put the final touches on his makeup. "Could you hand,me my ruff?"

Bonnell clasped it about his neck, rose, took one final critical look at the black and white harlequin costume, and settled back into the battered wooden chair.

"All right, Doctor. I'm ready. Now tell me what I can do for you."

"I need a favor." They spoke in French. "Which is?"

"Do you have membership lists-addresses-for your members?"

"I assume we're speaking of the Party."

"Oh, forgive me. Yes."

"And to answer you, yes, we do."

Bonnell was not helping him any. Tach plowed awkwardly on. "Could you obtain an address for me?"

"That would depend on what you want it for."

"Nothing nefarious, I assure you. A personal matter."

"Hmmm." Bonnell straightened the already meticulously arranged pots and tubes on his dressing table. "Doctor, you presume a great deal. We have met only once, yet you come to me asking for private information. And if I were to ask you why?"

"I'd rather not say."

"I rather thought that would be your answer. So I'm afraid I really must refuse."

Exhaustion, tension, and the throbbing ache from his leg slammed down like a curling storm wave. Tach laid his head on his arms. Fought tears. Considered just giving up. A gentle but firm hand caught his chin and forced his head up. "This really means a great deal to you, doesn't it?"

"More than you can know"

"So tell me so I will know. Can't you trust me? Just a little?"

" I lived in Paris long ago. Have you been a communist for long?" he asked abruptly.

"Ever since I was able to comprehend politics."

"Then I'm surprised I didn't meet you all those long years ago. I knew them all. Thorenz, Lena Goldoni ... Danelle."

"I wasn't in Paris then. I was still in Marseilles getting the crap beat out of me by my supposedly normal neighbors." His smile was bitter. "France has not always been so kind to her wild cards."

"I'm sorry."

"Why should you be?"

"Because it's my fault."

"That's an exceedingly silly and self-indulgent attitude."

"Thank you so very much."

"The past is dead, buried, and gone forever past recall. Only the present and the future matter, Doctor."

"And I think that's a silly and simplistic attitude. The actions of the past have consequences for the present and the future. Thirty-six years ago I came to this country broken and bitter. I slept with a young girl. Now I return to find that I left a more permanent mark on this place than I had thought. I sired a child who was born, lived, and died without my ever Copyright 2016 - 2024