Accidentally Married To A Demon - Mila Young Page 0,8

looked like it hadn't been cared for in this century. Beyond the aged stone fence that ran the length of the property, the vineyards were falling to pieces, with dusty, untilled earth matching the dilapidated stakes that dried vines were still clinging to.

The large white house in the distance was similarly rundown, with what was once white paint peeling from the walls and too many holes in the rafters to count. It was a lost cause, and the place was a cross between a house and a Renaissance mansion. Slanted roof, towers on either side of the building with conical roofs. The lawn out front had patches of dried earth, and the few trees around the property were in bad need of trimming.

"No wonder Aunt Moira didn't consider selling this place," I whispered, climbing out of the car. "Who the hell would buy it?"

"I would say that it has its own appeal," said a heavily accented voice from behind me. "But one must look for the appeal of possibility instead of that which lies before one's eyes."

I whipped around quickly enough to send my red hair flying all over my face, keeping me from fully seeing the man that was standing next to the sign for a few more seconds. I managed to pull myself back from attacking him out of reflex, clearing my throat and nodding. The man was taller than I was by about a head and most of his broad shoulders. His hair was a dark brown, hanging a little longer than might have been considered fashionable, but he certainly wasn't hurting for it, although I wondered if the unintentional bangs got in his eyes. His clothes were simple black pants and button up shirt, and once again not really fashionable, but fit his build well. The top was unbuttoned just enough to make it clear he was chiseled underneath. Looking away from him was definitely a challenge because finding such a handsome man out in the middle of nowhere was the last thing I expected.

A hint of bristle on his chin had me a little distracted by his strong jawline, which brought my eyes straight up to his lips and dark eyes. Like the rest of the landscape, I could put his picture into a goddamn essay.

"I... sure." I cleared my throat and looked around, hoping he didn't realize that I had been staring. There was a lot to appreciate about this man. "Plenty of potential. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be insulting. It's just... well, this place is..."

"She has seen better days, yes, and I believe she can again." That deep European accent was beyond entrancing.

A quick look around only told me just how expensive that would be to fix. "Sure. I mean, hold on. I've heard of people referring to ships as 'she.' Cars, even the occasional firearm too, but I've never heard of a vineyard being referred to as a female."

"Have you spent much time around vineyards?"

"I... have not," I admitted.

"Well then, allow me to show you around this one." He offered me his arm. "Am I correct in assuming that you are the niece of the former owner of Cloris Vineyards?"

"Oh... yes. Nilsa Kane." I offered a hand instead of taking his arm.

He took it, shaking firmly. I could feel my shoulders tensing as an unsettling heat traveling up my arm, hitting my spine and resulting in waves of goosebumps across my body.

And it had nothing to do with the fact that a cloud of a heavy, sweet scent suddenly enveloped me the moment that he approached me.

"Rogelio Dobre," he answered, still holding my hand in his, his eyes tracing down my body and back up, making no effort to hide it. "Your aunt did mention that you were a practitioner."

I swallowed, trying not to stare at his strong jawline and those full lips again. "Not for a while, but I still remember what auras most mages give off. I can't really place yours, though."

"Transmutation is not as pervasive in the Americas after the colonial massacres. Seeing as I specialize in herbology, I can understand why my form would be a little unfamiliar to you."

"Most transmutationists specialize in smithy and metalworking. Lots of money in that." It was a little difficult to keep talking to him about stuff that I had only half-heartedly read about from the books that Mom gave me, especially considering how distracting the man was. I guessed he was one of the working hands at the farm, Copyright 2016 - 2024