Accidentally Married To A Demon - Mila Young Page 0,6

would need her to come over while I was halfway across the world to make sure that the food in my fridge didn't go bad.

"Right," I snorted to myself. "Like I need to head all the way to Romania to know that I'm not cut out to own a goddamn vineyard."

I knew that something was wrong almost before it actually registered consciously. My whole body went tense, and I was reaching out and gathering power into my body, the way that it did when I was expecting to need it.

After a few seconds, I straightened up in my bed, looking over to the corner of the room where the lights of my bedside lamp failed to reach. Something was in the shadows, and I could feel a tingling in my fingers as the power coalesced there, ready to be used.

It moved again, but this time it stepped out into the light, letting me see what it was. A chill raced down my spine.

Or in this case, who.

It had been a long time—literal decades —but there was no mistaking the lean look of the woman stepping out to the foot of my bed.

"Aunt Moira?" I’d only seen her in the flesh when I was younger.

She smiled, showing an array of new wrinkles across her weathered face as she flicked her black hair out of her eyes. "It makes me happy to know that you still recognize me."

I shrugged. "I mean... I have spent some time looking at old pictures of you lately, so it's not really that impressive."

She smiled, sitting at the foot of the bed as I moved in closer to her.

"The lawyer said that you..." I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence. "Are you...?"

After a moment of thought, she nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid so, dearie."

Looking around the room brought another thought to my mind. "So does that mean that you're a..."

"A dream, yes."

"I was going to say that you were a ghost, but okay. You can be both, right?"

She looked a little nonplussed, but finally tilted her head and smiled again. "I suppose so. Whatever I happen to be, it is good to see you, dearie."

I moved over to the edge of the bed with her. "Are you... are you all right? Do you need me to call up some of mom's ghost specialists? I mean, they're technically necromancers, but the legal kind, so I've stayed in touch."

"No, this is nothing like that, dearie. All I came to say was that my house should go to you."

"The one in Vampiresville, Romania?"

That brought a laugh out of her. "I've never really heard it described that way, but yes. It can't leave the family. You must claim it and make sure."

"Can't Mom go there?"

"She refused to have any part in what I left behind."

I nodded slowly. "That... does sound like dear old Mom. Okay, I'll... I'll see what I can do, but I can't make any promises. I have a life here in New York."

"That is all I can ask for." She leaned into me, and I couldn't help but reach out and wrap her up in a hug.

"I've missed you, Auntie," I whispered.

"I missed you too, Nessie."

Chapter 3

Hi guys, it's the sweetest witch again.

I'm sorry that I've been a little lax with the updates, but things have been a little hectic on my end. I'll try to get back to my regular blogging schedule, but I can't make any promises.

Anyways, I thought that I'd drop a bit of news on you guys. Transylvania (yes, that Transylvania) is actually a pretty gorgeous little spot of the world. Picking up on some pictures online, I'm really not sure how they managed to avoid the march of modernity out there, but they have been doing a pretty good job of things. I'm not really expecting to see anything straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but hey, if Tim Curry were to show up looking absolutely fabulous, rocking the fishnets, I would not complain one bit.

Why am I talking about Tim Curry and Transylvania, you ask? Well, as it turns out, a long lost aunt that I haven't spoken to in seventeen years died and left me her vineyard. I know, what does the sweetest blogging witch know about making wine? Absolutely nothing, but I thought that it would be interesting to connect with family out there.

I'll keep you guys in the know on what's going on, but it's got to be a short one for me. I've got a flight Copyright 2016 - 2024