Accidentally Married To A Demon - Mila Young Page 0,54

ourselves when attacked. Consider the matter resolved, and there will be no more trouble in this matter. Fail to do so, and more serious action will need to be taken. Consider that carefully, young one."

Once again, even in the growing sunlight, the vampire was gone in a flash, likely anxious to return to the comfortable shadows of their shack at the edge of town.

"What do you think?" I asked, seeing Rog and Bram join me on the terrace.

"Vampires have always been good for their word," Bram noted, patting Dracul on the back as the dog panted and settled down on the ground to rest. "Your contract with the demon is broken."

"I can verify that," Rog agreed, though his voice seemed to crack and when he met my gaze, something darkened behind his eyes. "You are no longer bound to me or to this place."

I sighed, shaking my head, unsure how to feel. I should be rejoicing, and part of me already planned to get the hell out of here, yet part of me ached when I stared at Rog.

Rog lowered his gaze and turned to see that the dryad was, in fact, already tending to the vines as the rest of the fae were almost finished clearing the bodies.

Why wasn’t I jumping up and down for joy?

Chapter 20

Hey guys. I know it's been a while since I've given you all an actual, proper update, but things have been all kinds of crazy around here. I won't bore any of you with the details (mostly because you'd all think that I'm crazy if I did) but the fact remains that it looks like the little vineyard that could is actually... coulding. Is that a word?

Probably not. Anyways.

I've actually made some friends out here Maybe found someone... I didn't really expect to, foreign country, foreign culture, all that noise, but it's a little weird that I feel an intense connection with these people. I don't know if any of you know what I'm talking about when I say that I've always felt like an outsider, and here everyone's an outsider, and we're all fitting in together.

How fucking weird is that?

Chemistry is always an interesting thing to look at, and I've always found that the people that you connect with are there for some kind of reason. I'll not go so far as to say that magic is to blame, but in the end, someone is. And I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Anyways, you'll know when I do. And until then, I need to get back to work.

All the hugs in the world,

The Candiest Kane around.

I put my laptop down, shaking my head, unsure of what I was going to do next. I was free to head back to New York, but in the end, what did I really have waiting for me there? Friends, sure, but I could always stay in touch with them from afar. And it wasn't like I couldn't just find my way back to the Big Apple if I started feeling homesick.

There was something about this place that was pulling me in, like the world's most inviting sand trap. And I knew it all revolved around Rog. As much as he drove me crazy, I couldn’t deny that something had happened between us. Something I wanted to explore further. The way he made me feel was unlike anything I’d experienced with any other guy.

Sure, he was a demon, but I wasn’t exactly perfect myself. Why had the vampire called me Demon Witch? What was I missing?

The vampires were still in play, and I doubted that they would forget that I’d flaunted their judgment and fought back. Or that the rest of the fae had fought back. Although they said that it was only because I was a part of their community now. And they were protecting Bram. None were really happy that they'd found themselves defending the demon as well, but there would be time for that later.

I chewed on my lower lip, unsure what I ought to do.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I tasted bile as I jumped up, sending my laptop rolling over the bed, although thankfully avoiding an encounter with the floor.

It wasn't the vampire. Or Rog. A woman's voice, one that tugged at my heart's least-played strings as I looked over to see Moira standing in the corner.

"You know, this room was mostly abandoned when I was here," she noted, looking around. "Rog must have fixed it up for your use, which makes Copyright 2016 - 2024