Accidentally Married To A Demon - Mila Young Page 0,16

cheese omelet. How does that sound?”

“I’m fine on making it myself.” Before I knew it, I went to the fridge to collect other ingredients. “You didn’t answer my questions.”

I started chopping chives on the wooden board near the sink, chewing on my lower lip, needing to do something with my hands to keep calm before I strangle him.

“I do favors for humans with problems they face. Mostly it’s related to love or money.”

“So you have some demon mojo going on that can tell them the truth of what to do?”

He glanced at me, the corners of his mouth curling upward. “I didn’t say that.”

“You lie to them?”

“No. I tell them what will help them, but it may not always be what they want to hear.” He leaned a hip against the counter, hands deep in his pockets, and there was something riveting about the way he just stood there. He belonged on the cover of a men’s fashion magazine, not in this backwater farm. Except, he choose to stay here.

And under no circumstances should I think anything less than loathing toward the demon.

“Why did you trick me into binding us together? And what exactly does it mean anyway?”

“A blood demon union was the only way to keep you in the house with me, and our marriage closed the deal.”

“Why?” My voice rose, gaining myself a raised brow from Rog.

He closed the distance between us in three long strides.

I backed up, my ass hitting the counter, and the tips of my fingers grazed the knife next to the chopping board behind me.

Rog stood inches from me, so close yet not touching me. Fiery heat danced off his body and leapt over to me, burning me up in seconds. Sweat collected at my nape, and I struggled to breath.

“Do I scare you?” he asked, his breath on my cheek.

My knees softened and it wasn’t just being intimidated by him… Sure, part of it was that, but it surprised me how alluring I found his dominance.

“N-no!” I sucked at lying.

He barked a loud laughter and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “I have no intention of hurting you, but living alone in this house can be lonely, and I’d gotten used to having someone to share the place with me.”

“So you forced me into a blood contract.”

“It was the only way to make this work. You are free to go to neighboring villages, and even into the mountains to visit the infamous castle, but you are mine.”

I blinked at him, my fingers curling around the hilt of the knife. Would stabbing him even make a difference? A demon couldn’t be killed from what I understood.

“Why are you this house anyway? Why haven’t you tried to get out of here and go I don’t know… where to demons go? Hell?”

A corner of his mouth lifted, and I hated that as I held a knife at my back, contemplating the stab this demon, I also found him ridiculously handsome. I was a living contradiction. That strong jawline, full lips, eyes that swam with so many possibilities. But I still remembered his demon form in my dream, what he really looked like.

“Is that where you’d like me go?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly.

“Well, guess we’ll both have to get used to our new arrangement. I have no plans on leaving this place, and this my dear, is your new home. You’re auntie learned to accept that, and so will you.”

I seethed, my teeth clenching.

“Now, would you like me to finish making your meal for you?” He reached around my back and grabbed the blade from my grasp.

His chest pressed up against mine, and for those few seconds, I drowned in the silence.

Just us two locked in this dance.

My heart pounding against my ribcage.

I still didn’t understand what exactly what he got out of having me here with him, but I doubted he’d openly tell me. Not yet anyway. And if he was going to play a game, then I was the master of them.

“Just so we make it clear,” I said. “We may be married by your contract, but I dislike everything about you and nothing is happening between us.”

He grinned like the words alone were a challenge to him. Just great.

Balance was what I needed. To appear accepting in order to get close and gather information on how to get out of this ridiculous blood contract, and secondly, I had no clue what he would do if I angered him. Mom always told Copyright 2016 - 2024