Accidentally Aphrodite - Dakota Cassidy Page 0,26

my color wheel.” He yanked a hand from his jeans and circled his face just the way Marty had last night when she’d explained what a color wheel was.

Quinn giggled. “I can’t believe she owns Bobbie-Sue Cosmetics and her husband owns Pack Cosmetics. Talk about the Jets and the Sharks.”

“They’re good people. They’ll protect you from me.”

Her cheeks went bright red; she felt the flush of them. “I…I’m sorry. It’s just that—”

“That I’m a stranger. I’m not offended by that either. Anyway, wasn’t sure if you were a New York Times reader or whatever, but I know you love to read, if the mountain of books versus actual food in your kitchen pantry is any indication. So I went out and bought a slew of reading material, just in case it’s what you do in the mornings.” He pointed to the stack of newspapers he’d set right under her white lamp with the ruffled lampshade.

He was so nice. So considerate. Sweet, in fact. Her heart clenched, and then she froze and took a deep breath.

This would not happen. No way was she going to let any warm feelings for this man creep into her heart. Absolutely not. He was her teacher and she was his student.

Grasshopper and sensei. Coach and football player.

“Do you have to call in to work? Will anyone worry if you don’t show up?”

Ugh. Work. She loved her job because she could drown herself in books. But how would she ever explain her hooters? Thankfully, she had plenty of time to figure it out.

“No. I had a ton of vacation saved up. The plan was to spend two weeks in Greece and then come home…” Engaged and wildly in love. “And spend the next couple of weeks looking for an apartment.”

Together. Jesus, she was an idiot. Had she even consulted Igor about any of the dreams she’d spun in her head? Had she ever once considered he’d say no to her proposal, let alone agree to move into a new place with her?

“Good to know.”

“I have another question. If I’m in charge of all this matchmaking and procreation and whatever else I’ve managed to commit myself to in my absurd efforts to save your homeland, how do I do it? I mean, do goddesses of love ever sleep? How can I be everywhere? I’m not just the Goddess of Love of New York, am I? Did I only win that tiara at the pageant—or am I holding the world crown?”

“You’ve got the world crown, but eventually you’ll be able to do this in your sleep—literally. Your command to make a match will happen as effortlessly as you breathe.”

“Then why do I need these lessons you keep insisting I need?”


“No. Lie to me. All the best messes in history come from a well thought out lie.”

“Fair enough. Because you’re rusty and very unclear about what makes a good match. You need to experience a few before I hand over the reins completely.”

“So you have the reins right now? Like this second?”

“Even as we speak. Look at me, no hands,” he joked.

“Then why can’t you be Aphrodite and I’ll just go back to being boring Quinn Morris from the bookstore?”

“Because you bit the apple, and my reign can’t last forever if I’m doin’ time.”

“I swear I’m going to do everything in my power to prevent that.”

“Then hustle, Aphrodite.”

Instead of lingering, she squeezed around his big body. As she did, she remembered the disembodied voice of his mother from the night before and swallowed hard. “Have you heard from your mother?”

He knelt and scooped up Spike, setting him on his shoulder and scratching his ears. “Not a peep.”

“Which means she’s really, really mad. I know when my mother’s beyond angry and well into homicidal, she gets eerily quiet.”

He rose again and shrugged his shoulders. “Homicidal’s probably a kind adjective where my mother’s concerned. But I don’t want you to trouble yourself with any of that right now, Quinn. She’s mad at me, not you. Right now we need to teach you how to make solid matches that will last a lifetime.”

“Because those happen so often.” She winced the moment the words shot out of her mouth. Bitter Spice had arrived at the party.

He cocked his deliciously dark head and smiled. “You’re just sore from an ugly breakup right now, Quinn. But you won’t always be. Trust me.”

When he said the words “trust me” her knees trembled a little. Then she shook it off. She was all out of trust at Copyright 2016 - 2024