Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,96

weapon in Gavin’s back. “Donna, you go first.” To Gavin, “Follow her. Out the door and up the stairs. All the way to the roof.”

Help was on the way. Gavin’s heart leapt even as he desperately searched for a way to buy some more time. But even if he had to leave with Sarah, law enforcement would search the building and find the general. With that worry off his mind, Gavin could focus on Sarah. He followed Donna with Sarah in his arms.

“General,” she said again. “Gavin, my father . . .”

She stiffened and he tightened his grip. “Stay still, please. Trust me.”

Sarah went limp and his heart did all kinds of funny things at the instant response that said she fully believed he’d take care of her—and her father.

At the top of the stairs, Donna led them through a maze of corridors and up one last flight of steps. She pushed through the metal door, and Gavin found himself on an airstrip that ran the length of the massive building. A small plane was ready and waiting, the propellers beating the air. He thought he could hear sirens above the whir of the blades.

“Get on the plane, Donna.”

“I’m not going!”

McClain turned the weapon on her and pulled the trigger. She screamed. Then clutched her bleeding chest and stumbled backward, fighting to stay on her feet. And failing.

Before Gavin could act, the weapon was once more trained on him and Sarah. “I’m not playing around. Get on!”

Gavin couldn’t do much to protest with Sarah in his arms—which was something McClain had no doubt thought of. Regret that he couldn’t help Donna or the general overwhelmed him. But there was nothing he could do—except whatever he had to do to keep Sarah safe. Killing was second nature to this man and Gavin would have to tread carefully.

He climbed the portable steps and ducked into the six-seater plane. Sarah slid from his arms and into the nearest seat. He discreetly felt under her seat. A parachute. Good. And bad. He broke out in a sweat at the plan forming in his mind, but he had a feeling it was the only way. Using his body to shield his actions from the man behind him, Gavin pulled the chute from its nook and placed it behind Sarah. “Wiggle your arms through the straps when you can,” he whispered. Her eyes went wide, and she grabbed his hand and squeezed, her grip stronger than he would have thought.

“Hurry up. Get her strapped in,” McClain ordered.

He did as instructed, wondering if she was as groggy as she was leading him and McClain to believe. Regardless, Gavin finished and turned to face yet another weapon held by the pilot. Apparently, McClain had an entire army on his payroll. Gavin took the seat next to Sarah while McClain stepped in and shut the door.

“Get this thing in the air,” McClain yelled to the pilot. He turned back to Gavin. “No funny stuff or you’re dead and I’ll figure out what to do about her after that. As soon as we’re at cruising altitude and out of danger of being detected, she’s going to sign the papers. You hear me, Sarah?”

She ignored the man, keeping her eyes shut.

Gavin raised his hands as though in surrender.

McClain took the passenger seat in the front but stayed facing them, with the weapon trained on them. “Wrap the seatbelt around your arm and tie yourself to the armrest.”

After a brief hesitation, Gavin grabbed the lap belt and did as ordered. McClain reached over and grabbed the end, yanking it tight. The strap cut into his forearm, but Gavin kept his expression blank. He wouldn’t give the man the satisfaction of seeing him wince.

Sarah’s head lolled over onto Gavin’s shoulder, and he slipped his free arm around her to pull her closer.

“We have to get out of this,” she said, her voice low enough not to be heard by the two men up front.

“We will,” he said. “I’m working on a plan. Keep your eyes closed and act like you’re still drugged.”

“Not hard. I am. A little. Fortunately, I managed to dodge some of it.”

The plane accelerated down the rooftop runway and swooped into the air. He looked out the window and saw the authorities below, entering the building. Some pointed up to the plane and Gavin figured they’d have a police chopper on the way, if they didn’t already.

“They injected you with that drug, Sarah. You have to tell me if you Copyright 2016 - 2024