Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,81

contents of Dustin’s envelope spread over her lap and the dashboard.

“I wish you would’ve waited for me.”

“This place is a fortress.” She turned a page. “No one’s coming through those gates unless the general opens them.”

“Or someone forces him to.”

She shot him a pained look and went back to Dustin’s materials. Gavin decided to shut up and not even mention the possibility of a drone strike. It sounded far-fetched, but so did Iraqi terrorists on American soil looking to take Sarah out because of her father.

Far-fetched, but not impossible. Nothing was impossible.

However, while Sarah had an impulsive side, she wasn’t stupid and could think for herself. Every moment he spent with her just reinforced that. And yet, the desire to protect her—even from herself—wasn’t something he could just ignore. So, he’d do his best and pray that was enough.

Sarah rubbed her forehead.



He opened the glove box and handed her a bottle of ibuprofen. She took two and replaced the bottle. “I need to call the detectives,” Gavin said, “or call Caden so he can meet us and we can show him what we found and he can call the detectives.”

“Sure.” She leaned her head back once again and closed her eyes, her fingers clutched around the manila envelope. “Sounds good.” A slight pause. “Let’s go to Caden’s house so we can study this stuff some more.”

“I like that plan.”

He let Travis and Asher know what they were doing, then drove in silence for a few minutes. Sarah still had her eyes closed, and her frown pulled her brows together over the bridge of her nose.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Dustin.” She glanced at him. “I just can’t get past my confusion about his actions. I know I sound like a broken record, but if there wasn’t concrete proof that he jumped, I’d swear he was murdered. I feel even stronger about it now that I’ve read this letter.”

Gavin nodded. “I have to agree with that.”

“Tomorrow, I want to go by the VA hospital.”

He shot her a frown. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

“It’s just an idea. Maybe a stupid one, but Dr. Kilgore is involved in all of this somehow—and probably that nurse, Donna.” She paused. “I have a feeling they’re closer to the bottom of the food chain, though, and someone else is calling the shots with whatever is going on at the hospital.”

“Then we’ll see what we can find first thing in the morning.”



Lewis dropped his head into his hands and studied the photos in front of him. He’d taken a huge chance in opening the package Dustin had sent Rochelle . . . Sarah. As soon as Mrs. Lawson had told him she was coming to the house and that she’d asked about her mail, he’d known something was up. Only something of dire importance would bring her into the same air he breathed, and he’d gone looking.

Fortunately, he’d been extremely careful and she hadn’t noticed the small slit or the extra tape. He’d read Dustin’s letter and hadn’t seen anything terribly incriminating in it. He’d simply placed it in a new envelope and written her name on the front, copying Dustin’s writing as close as he could. He’d had to wait two hours for his hands to quit shaking in order to write her name—a clear sign of just how rattled he’d been by the pictures and other information Dustin had sent.

He didn’t want to believe it, but the proof was right there.

Now, he had to quit stalling and decide exactly how to handle everything.

For the second time in his life, he simply didn’t know what to do. After several more minutes of deliberation, he picked up his cell phone and punched in a number. When the person answered with a gruff hello, Lewis said, “We need to talk.”

Caden met the two detectives at the hospital, along with a CID detective named Patty Boyer. He had just walked through the door when his phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen. A text from Sarah.

Need to see you ASAP. I’d planned to talk to you this morning, but you left too early.

Caden frowned and typed.

At the hospital getting ready to question Wilmont about this guy Max. We just got approval from the doctor to talk to him so I bolted.

When you finish, we’ll be waiting at your house.

Caden texted a thumbs-up, then returned to the picture of the clean-shaven man who had been reported killed in a car accident—and yet facial recognition software said he was very Copyright 2016 - 2024