Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,69

who works for the agency. From now on, I think we need to keep you surrounded.”

For a moment, he thought she might protest, but she gave a slow nod. “I think you might be right.”

As Gavin rounded the truck, he got on the phone and asked the two friends to meet him at the hospital. He climbed into the driver’s seat, but he wasn’t leaving until he had an escort. Sarah leaned her head against the seat rest, and Gavin thought she might be fighting tears.

“Hey,” he said, reaching for her hand and threading his fingers through hers. “It’s going to be okay.”

She sniffed and nodded. “I don’t cry,” she whispered. “Why am I crying? I think I’ve cried more in the last few weeks than I’ve cried in . . . ever.”

“It’s okay to cry.”

“No, it’s not. It shows weakness, and I feel like I’ve been weak ever since the Taliban walked in that school and took us.”

Gavin huffed in disbelief. He cupped her cheek. “Sarah, you’re one of the strongest people I know. Man or woman. You’ve had experiences no one should have—and you’ve lived to tell about it. You have a beautiful heart and care about people. Strangers like Brianne who most people would have walked away from. And Dustin. I know he’s your brother, but in your gut, you feel something’s wrong with his suicide and you’re going after answers. That takes a strength that’s rare to find. So, don’t beat yourself up if you shed a few tears. Because you and I both know you’ll brush them away and keep going. And that’s what real strength is. Pressing on when it would be much easier to simply give up.”

A tear streaked toward her chin and she wiped it away. She nodded. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t mean to preach, but . . . yeah.”

She laughed and palmed the wetness from her eyes. “Sounds like you have some experience with the pressing-on thing.”

“A bit.”

His eyes locked on hers. The vulnerability was there, but so was the strength he’d just praised her for. His gaze dropped to her lips. He leaned in while gently propelling her toward him, his hand still cupped around her cheek, and settled his lips over hers.

Sarah wasn’t sure what to think. Not that she really could think. She knew that the first kiss they’d shared in Kabul had been amazing. The second one had been more of a peck than a real kiss, but this one was turning out to be just as good as the first. If not better. His lips were gentle, exploring, curious and slightly demanding. Musk and sweat and smoke mingled to tantalize her nose. She threaded her fingers through his short hair, the strands silky and soft, brushing her palms and adding another layer to the heady moment. She wanted to move closer but the large console in the middle prevented it.

Before she could figure out a way around it, the kiss was over and disappointment flickered. He pulled back, eyes hooded, but still on hers. “I hope that was okay.”

“More than,” she whispered while her heart pounded in her throat. “I didn’t want it to end.”

He laughed. “I love your honesty.”

She paused, then sat back and fastened the seat belt. “Well, mostly honest,” she muttered.

He raised a brow. “What does that mean?”

“I didn’t exactly tell the cops everything about that little incident.”

“Like what?”

“Jonathan—or whatever his name is—said he was taking me to my place to get a package.”

“What package?”

“The one Dustin apparently sent me. I think he sent me more than just a Christmas present. I also think that once I have it, we’re going to have a lot more answers to what’s going on.”

He cranked the engine. “Why didn’t you tell the cops about it?”

“Because they’d be all over the place.” She shook her head. “No way. Dustin sent it to me for a reason. Possibly even risked his life to do so. I’m going to find it and see what’s in it before I tell anyone else about it.”

Gavin gave a slow nod. “All right. Then let’s go get it.”

“The problem is, it may not be at my apartment.”

“Why not?”

“Because I had all of my mail forwarded to my neighbor. Then again, if that receipt is any indication, he actually mailed it to my neighbor.”

“Then we’ll check with her.”

Sarah dialed her neighbor’s number and waited. And waited.

He glanced at the mirrors. “Our escorts just arrived.”

“That’s weird. She’s not answering.”

“It’s getting close to dinnertime. Why don’t I Copyright 2016 - 2024