Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,53

way. “Enough about that. How’s Rochelle? Is she recovering?”



Lewis shook his head. “I don’t know. She still won’t speak to me. I haven’t seen her since she was released from the hospital. Caden keeps me updated about once a day.” He sipped his coffee. “And if she knew that, she’d probably smash his phone and leave his house.”

Marshall frowned. “That’s not good.”

“She’s always been able to hold a grudge, but she’ll eventually come around.” Maybe. “At least she always has before.” But he’d never done anything quite like this to her. “We’ve never been close, though. She was a mama’s girl. And after Tara died, Rochelle just went wild. Did everything she could to destroy her reputation—and mine. She wouldn’t listen to a thing I said.”

“When you were around to say it?”

Lewis scowled, and his friend held up his hands in a gesture of surrender.

“Don’t shoot. You said yourself that you weren’t really around.”

“Trust me, I know.” Lewis cleared his throat and glanced at the two men who sat close by. His security detail. “Gavin said someone tried to run them off the road yesterday. Shot up his truck.”

Marshall stilled. “What?”

“Local police were called in, but CID’s taking over the investigation since there’s the possibility it could be related to the threats against me.”

“I see. So, when are you headed back into the fray?”

“My leave is up in another week. I’m using the time to do a little investigating of my own, since Rochelle won’t have anything to do with me.”

“Investigating what? The shooting?”

The general shook his head. “Dustin’s supposed suicide.”


“It’s just a theory. A crazy one probably.”

“Want to share?”

Lewis hesitated, then filled him in on Caden’s last visit with Dustin. Marshall listened intently. “But he jumped.”

“I know.”

“Is there the possibility he was pushed?”

“No. The security footage is very clear—and it’s not doctored, according to CID.”

“Then I’m confused.”

“Join the club.”

Silence fell between them. “So, what are you going to do?” Marshall finally asked.

Lewis shook his head and let his shoulders slump a fraction. “I don’t know, Marshall. For the first time in my life, I don’t know what to do.”

Sarah walked toward the psychiatric ward with Gavin next to her. Seeing her friends had been a soothing balm to her wounded soul, but not even Brooke’s subtle questioning had been able to break down the wall she had erected in an effort to protect herself from the trauma she’d endured.

The truth was, once she’d finished describing the kidnapping and subsequent rescue, she’d wanted to lighten the atmosphere, not talk about her issues. The others had seemed to understand and let her. They’d shared some funny stories and the laughter had been good. For all of them. Now it was time to get back to business, and she was grateful to have Gavin at her side. She pressed the button on the wall.

“How can I help you?”

“Sarah Denning. I have an appointment with Dr. McCandless.”

Three seconds later, the door buzzed and swung open. Sarah took a deep breath and walked through. Gavin took a seat in the waiting area. In front of her, a woman sat at a desk and waved her over. “Good morning, Ms. Denning.”

“Good morning.” Sarah looked around. This was where Dustin had spent his last days. She found it depressing and enlightening. He’d sought help. He wanted to get better. He wanted to live. So, why had he died?

“I’m Elizabeth,” the woman said, handing Sarah a clipboard with a stack of papers. “If you’ll just fill these out—”

“I . . . um . . . went on the website and filled them all out.” Sarah pulled them from her bag and handed them over.

“Oh, great. That’ll save some time.”

“Right.” Because saving time was important. Nerves attacked her. Gavin had insisted on escorting her, and she was grateful for his presence, but now it was time for her to step up and deal with this alone. And she’d have to be careful. So very careful in what she said and how she said it. But the guilt was pounding her. Was she taking an appointment away from someone who truly needed it?

She took a seat next to Gavin.

“You ready for this?” Gavin asked, his voice soft in the muted environment.

“I don’t really have a choice.”

“If you question her outright, she’s not going to be forthcoming with anything.”

“I know, Gavin, we’ve already been over this on the way here, remember?”

“I know.”

He was nervous for her. Great.

“I can do this,” she said, her voice as low as his. “I have Copyright 2016 - 2024