Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,16

grimaced and guilt slammed her. Was it still stealing if it was done for an altruistic purpose and she planned to give it back?

Probably. But what if there was something on the phone that she could use to help Brianne? A woman she was starting to wonder if she’d created or had been a figment of her fevered imagination.

No. Brianne was as real as she.

But, yes, it was stealing.

But, yes, she really would give it back. After she sneaked a peek. After all, her father may have derailed her military career, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t look for her next story to sell. Nothing wrong with that, right?

More guilt.

A silent sigh slipped past her dry lips.

She couldn’t do it. She might be a reporter, but she had her standards. Besides, he probably had a password she couldn’t crack. And then there was the whole phone finder app thing. It wouldn’t take him long to locate it anyway. Sarah slid the phone from her pocket and started to put it back on the counter, only to freeze when the door to the room squeaked on the hinges.

Having standards was all well and good, but for some reason, she didn’t want to be caught in the room. Not by Dr. Kilgore anyway. Quicker than her battered body liked, she scrunched into the small double closet and pulled the doors shut.

Less than a second later, confident footsteps entered the room and strode in her direction. Pain throbbed through her at the uncomfortable position, but she didn’t dare move. Or breathe.

The more she thought about it, the more certain she was that “they” had done something with Brianne. Better off where she is now. Where could that possibly be? If they were even talking about Brianne. If not, then who? A shudder racked her, and she bit her lip against the moan that rose in her throat. She truly felt awful.

More footsteps. A string of curses. Sarah shivered and heat radiated from her. A wave of dizziness made her glad she was already kneeling with her knees against the side of the closet. Her breaths came in low, silent pants through dry lips.

Was she being silly? Hiding in the closet while her brain spun crazy theories? From what she knew of Dr. Kilgore, she liked him. He’d been kind to her and helped her. So why was she afraid of him now?

She’s better off where she is now.

Where was that? Probably home or in the psychiatric ward.

Another round of curses and a hard thud against the cabinet made her jump. He really wasn’t happy. Her fingers curled tighter around the device. What would he do if she stepped out of the closet and handed it to him?

There were so many things wrong with that mental picture. Wouldn’t that fuel her father’s quest to ruin her career and have her declared mentally incompetent?

The darkness in the closet grew even blacker. The light filtering between the cracks faded and Sarah blinked hard. Don’t pass out. No passing out allowed. At least not until he’s gone.

More banging. More footsteps that stopped in front of the small closet. She squeezed her eyes shut. Don’t open it, don’t open it, oh please, don’t op—


“What?” The snapped word cracked like a whip, and Sarah’s eyes flew open to find the door still shut. Her heart thudded and she pressed a hand to her chest, afraid he’d be able to hear it pounding.

“Um . . . I’m sorry. I was asked to find you and let you know that Ms. Denning is missing.”

Stillness. As though he was having trouble processing the statement.

“What do you mean she’s missing?”

“She’s not in her room and no one can seem to locate her.”

A scoff, then a hard thud against the closet door. Sarah flinched.

“Of all the incompetent—” His deep breath reached her ears through the doors. “I’m coming.”

Sarah wilted, her thundering heart slowing from warp speed to runaway train. Once he was gone, she unfolded herself out of the closet and set the phone on the counter where she’d found it. Now, to make it back to her room without passing out.

Gavin had been all over the floor looking for Sarah and had come up empty. He returned to her room to find Dr. Kilgore and Nurse Donna in a heated discussion they snapped off when he stepped into view. Donna cleared her throat and Dr. Kilgore smoothed his facial features into an expression of reassurance. “I know this is disturbing,” he said, “but Copyright 2016 - 2024