Acceptable Risk - Lynette Eason Page 0,100

over his skin and Gavin gripped Sarah’s hand. “Did you see which way the other guy went?”

“No. Now, if you two don’t need medical help, could you please vacate the field so we can finish our practice?”

“Glad to as soon as you let me use your phone.”

The man sighed and held his finger to the screen, then tapped it. He passed the phone to Gavin.

“What’s Caden’s number?” he asked Sarah. She gave it to him. Gavin paused. The fact that McClain had landed so close made him twitchy. “The baseball field, you say?”

The coach narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, why?”

Sirens sounded in the distance and Gavin turned to the coach. “You need to lock down the school.”

The man blinked. “What?”

“The school. Lock it down. The man who landed on the baseball field is a killer. Cops are on the way. If he feels trapped, he could be unpredictable. Is anyone else in the school?”

“It’s after hours so not many, but yeah, a few people.”

“Tell them to stay put and lock their doors.”

The coach pulled his radio from his pocket and gave the code to the front office. He turned to his fellow coach. “Get the guys into the locker room and lock it down. Call the cops on the way and let them know where you are.”

The team took off and one of the coaches followed.

The other eyed them. “You guys are really okay?”

“We will be as soon as help arrives.” He turned his attention back to the phone. “Caden?”

“Are you all right?” Caden demanded. “Where’s Sarah?”

“She’s right here. We’re fine. McClain got away.”

“We’re on his trail. The chopper tracked him to the ground but lost him in some trees. You and Sarah jumped?”

“We did. We need a ride.” He told Caden their location.

“It’s on the way, but it’s going to take me some time to get there. Local cops are on the way.”

“McClain is here,” Gavin said, his eyes scanning the area between the baseball and football fields. “He’s close to the school. Valley High. I told a coach to lock it down and call 911.”

“Good. Find a place to lay low and wait for us.”

Gavin narrowed his eyes, searching. McClain was out there somewhere. “Did you find your father?”

“He’s in surgery right now but is expected to make a full recovery.”

He met Sarah’s gaze. “Excellent.” He passed the news on to Sarah and the relief on her face encouraged him. “We’ll be waiting for you.” He hung up and handed the phone back to the coach. “Now, go join your team.”

The coach took off, and Gavin stilled, seeing movement. “There he is.”


“He’s coming this way.”

Sarah shivered. “He waited for us, didn’t he?”

Gavin pulled her toward the parking lot next to the football field. “Yeah. We should have seen his parachute in the baseball field on our way down. He must have hidden it.”

“Really? Out of all of the places to land, we choose the same one he did?”

“Not surprising. It’s the only place around with a large enough space—other than the highway—and he’s not done with us.” He headed for the concession stand. There might not be guns in there, but maybe a knife? Probably not. But if he could keep Sarah behind a locked door until Caden and help arrived, they’d manage to survive it.

“But everyone knows what he’s done,” Sarah said, hurrying along beside him. She glanced over her shoulder. “He could have disappeared by now. Why continue to come after us?”

“Revenge. He’s angry that we’re doing out best to derail his plans and he’s not thinking straight.”

“He had the gun when he went out of the plane.”

“Yeah.” Gavin tried the door of the concession stand.


Of course.

“Head for the restrooms at the edge of the parking lot,” Sarah said.

“No windows in there. I won’t be able to watch him.”

“Maybe not, but he won’t be able to see us either. And the door locks. Add in the fact that if he has to shoot the lock off, he can’t have that many more bullets left in the gun. It will buy us some time.”

“Unless he had a magazine in his pocket.”

She grimaced. “Okay.” She shot another glance back. “He’s getting closer.”

“He’s spotted the parachute,” Gavin said. “He knows we’re here somewhere.”

“And now he’s heading for the school,” Sarah said.

“It’s on lockdown by now. He can’t get in.”

A car turned into the parking lot.

Sirens screamed in the distance.

“But he can take that driver hostage,” Sarah said. “Or hijack her car.”

The teen stepped out of her vehicle and McClain made Copyright 2016 - 2024