Above World - By Jenn Reese Page 0,70

had been snapped in half and glued back together with sticky jellyfish goo. “No,” he said. “It can’t be.”

Dash muttered a curse.

“What happened to her?” Aluna said, her voice cracking. “She was probably looking for me. This is all my fault. Did they kill her? Tell me!”

The prince looked surprised at her outburst. “No keeeel,” he said. He motioned to his neck and said, “Slaaave.”

The words hung in the air. Hoku had never seen Aluna both crying and ready to rip something’s heart out at the same time. Her fist closed around the jewelry. He could see her gritting her teeth, trying to calm herself down enough to speak.

“I’m going after her,” she said finally, her voice low and scary.

Hoku shuddered. She looked just like her father.

“But we have no army and no plan,” Dash said. “Your death will accomplish nothing.”

“I don’t need a plan,” Aluna said. “I’ve always trusted my instincts, and I’m trusting them now. There’s no time to squabble like Elders, discussing plans and never actually doing anything. I need to go. Now. I have to save Daphine, or I have to die trying.”

“Then let us go with you,” Hoku said. “Me and Dash and Zorro, we can help you! And maybe Calli —”

“No,” she said. “Daphine wouldn’t have been captured if it weren’t for me. I couldn’t bear it if you got captured, too. You have to stay safe, Hoku. Don’t you see?” She grabbed his arm and pointed to the video device in his hand. “You’re the one who has to save us. Sarah Jennings herself just told you so. And I can’t protect you when I’m trying to protect my sister.”

“But what if —?” Dash said.

“I said no,” Aluna shouted. “Do whatever you want, but you’re not coming with me. I catch either of you following me, and . . . and you know what I can do.”

She glared at Dash, then turned and glared at Hoku, daring either of them to disobey. Hoku wanted to, but she scared him. Aluna-his-best-friend would never hurt him, no matter what. But the Aluna in front of him now? He didn’t know her at all.

Aluna turned to the prince. “Thank you for saving us from the Upgraders,” she said. “I think our people make better allies than enemies. I hope we can meet as friends again after all of this is over.”

The prince bowed.

Aluna smiled grimly. “Can one of your people show me how to get inside the dome?”

Eekikee squeaked and a Deepfell dragged itself over. The prince called some orders, and the Deepfell took off toward the water.

“Stay here and be safe,” Aluna said to Hoku and Dash, half ordering them, and half begging. Then the steel returned to her eyes, and she raced after her guide.

As Hoku watched her go, his hands curled into fists. Again? She was leaving him again, after everything they’d been through? Dash still had a broken arm, Calli was out there somewhere on her own, probably afraid and in danger, the Kampii still needed to be saved, and he . . . he was supposed to be her best friend.

No. He was done taking orders.

Hoku turned back to Dash, Zorro, and the prince. “If we’re going after her, we’ll need a plan.”

ALUNA FORCED HERSELF to breathe slowly, despite the pounding in her chest. What was happening to Daphine? Were Fathom and his Upgraders hurting her? Was she really a slave? It was hard to think about anything else, and she needed to focus. A good hunter stays relaxed and ready, Anadar always said. Panic was making her stupid.

In the distance, the domed city of HydroTek floated on the water, looking like a giant gleaming jellyfish. Inside the huge translucent cap, buildings in shimmering silver twisted and flowed to amazing heights. She couldn’t make out any details, even when she and the Deepfell crested the water for a better look. Below water level, pipes and machinery and long, thin buildings swayed and churned like a mass of tendrils. She had no doubt that, just like a real jellyfish, those tendrils could sting.

A pod of three Deepfell approached. She thought they were a scouting party, but when her guide gripped his spear and pulled out a knife, Aluna looked closer. All three of the Deepfell wore collars around their necks. Slaves! They swam in a tight pattern, their spears raised. She didn’t understand Deepfell facial expressions very well, but something was definitely wrong with them. They looked dead.

“Can we rescue them?” she

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