Abigail's New Hope - By Mary Ellis Page 0,119

said with a wave of her hand.

Catherine nodded, exhaling as though a great weight had been lifted. “If mamm can spare me, maybe I’ll stay through the winter, but I must talk to her first before I decide one way or the other.”

“What will happen after Isaiah finishes school?” asked Abby. “Will you marry and live in his cabin in the woods? I think we could add on and make changes so you wouldn’t have to take your shower in the barn.” She fought back her grin.

“I don’t believe the bishop would allow her to move into the cabin without marrying first,” Daniel teased. Abby looked aghast and gave his arm a second slap.

Catherine rolled her eyes. “Will you two listen to yourselves? You’ll be picking out the color of my rocking chair lap robe if I don’t stop you now. Can’t a woman see what plans God has in store for her?”

“Good idea, as long as you don’t move away and take my cousin along. Isaiah is my right hand man until Jake gets a little older.” Daniel ruffled his son’s silky hair.

“You’ll mess up your life if I don’t butt my nose in,” muttered Abby under her breath.

Catherine’s hand shot out for a quick pinch. “How could I possibly go home? Life would be so dull because Meghan is no match for your sharp tongue.” She rose to her feet and carried her and Isaiah’s plates to the sink. “You know what? I think I might mess things up if I do the dishes. What if I break something? I’d better leave them to your capable hands.” Catherine ran toward the door with Isaiah on her heels. The two fled into the cool night before Abby could protest.

Without need for discussion, Catherine and Isaiah headed down the path toward the orchard and dark looming woods. A chilly breeze blew from the north, bringing the scent of pine and tang of wood smoke from someone’s fire miles away. Catherine had forgotten her sweater in her haste to escape the untidy Graber kitchen. Yet she knew she wouldn’t get cold that night. She had a large calloused hand to hold and the sweet promise of new love to warm her from the inside out.

As the evening star rose in the west, she tried to see past Venus to catch a glimpse of God—the One who had made this and all good things possible.

When Abby glanced out the window, she spotted Daniel approaching from the pump house. He usually brought in the mail and newspaper on his way to lunch, but today his hands were empty. Lately the man had grown forgetful, content merely to spend his free time in her company. I may as well enjoy it while it lasts, she thought, heading out the front door on the errand herself.

Daniel was sitting at the table when she returned. He stretched out a hand for the paper. “Ach, gut, you fetched the Budget.”

Abby ignored his allusion to her being a dog and began opening the mail. One pink envelope had caught her attention. “Here’s a letter from Rachelle, my former roommate at Hotel Wooster.” She smiled, remembering Rachelle’s moniker for the jail. “My goodness, it has a Soddy Daisy, Tennessee, return address—that’s where her grossmammi lived.” Abby tore open the envelope and read aloud.

Hi, Abby,

Check out the postmark—I’m in Tennessee.

I was released early on probation and went to live at a women’s group home that the Bible teacher told me about. Well, long story short, when I called my grandmother collect, she was not only happy to hear from me, but she also sent me three Greyhound bus tickets to come see her. I had to get permission from my probation officer to travel out of state, but when he agreed, I was on my way to the land of the Volunteers. That’s what they call themselves. When Gram asked me to move into her spare room to help her take care of the place, I thought, “Why not?” I love it here and my children do too. I got a part-time job as a salad girl at Appleby’s that might become full-time next year if I work hard. It’s good to make a fresh start. And, after all, Gram needs help in her yard too, because folks in a town called Soddy Daisy don’t tolerate weedy flower beds. Write when you get a chance. I’ll never forget you.

Fondly, Rachelle

Abby swallowed down the large lump that had formed in her

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