When You're Back(5)

With those words, he nearly brought me to the brink of an orgasm. Was that even possible?

“Sweet, just like that. Let me make you feel good. I want you to reach heaven the way I do when I’m buried inside you.”

I started to assure him I was there, that I knew what he was feeling, but his hips rocked, and I lost all thoughts and the ability to breathe as I held on tight. He made growling sounds of pleasure as he sent sparks of heat through me.

When the first orgasm crashed over me, he scooped me against his chest and whispered how beautiful I was and other sweet things I couldn’t quite remember—his words and the steady rhythm of his movements were already bringing me to my next orgasm. Quickly. I held him close, clinging to him for dear life.

By the time the third one hit me, Mase roared and cried out my name as his body shook with his own orgasm. He pressed his face into my neck as he gasped for air.

Feeling him fall apart over me made me tremble with pleasure once more, before we collapsed together, our hearts thudding wildly.

The sound of knocking broke into my dreams as I forced my eyes open. I looked around in the darkness of the room, Mase’s warm body pressed against mine as I lay wrapped in his arms. After the third time we’d made love last night, we had both passed out.

Mase groaned and blinked his eyes open. “What the . . . ?” his sleepy voice asked.

“Mase!” a woman’s voice called out. I recognized it. Aida was here. “Open up. I brought food.”

“Shit,” he growled as he eased out of bed. He walked over to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. When he turned back to me, he gave me a pleased grin. “You hungry?”

I was sleepy but hungry, too. It looked like we had slept past dinner. I nodded.

“I’ll get your suitcase. Take your time getting dressed. I’ll fix your plate,” he said, bending down to press a kiss to my lips.

Mase left the room. I lay there, tucked into blankets that smelled like him.

I could hear Aida at the front door as her voice filled the house. “What took you so long? I brought you food. I’d think you’d be more grateful.”

“Thanks,” he said flatly.

“Where you going?”

“Bringing Reese her suitcase,” he replied as his footsteps made their way back to the bedroom.

“Jesus, Mase. You could’ve at least picked up her underwear before you let me in,” Aida said in an annoyed tone. She didn’t like me. I wasn’t just imagining that.

He didn’t respond. When he opened the door, he rolled his eyes and grinned at me. Our discarded clothing was tucked under one of his arms as he carried my suitcase with the other hand. “Ignore her.”

He tossed our clothing onto a chair and winked at me. “Get dressed and come eat.”

When he walked out this time, I sat up, worried about how to face Aida.

I didn’t want his cousin to dislike me, but I wasn’t sure if I had any control over that.


Momma had sent over enough food to feed an army. I reached to get two plates out of the cabinet. “Tell Momma I said thanks for this. Reese is probably starving.”

Aida was standing on the other side of the counter with her hand on her hip. “You only got two plates. Is Reese not eating with us?”

Us? Shit.

Aida wasn’t leaving. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy hanging out with her when she visited, but I didn’t want her hanging out with us right now. I just got Reese back. I wasn’t ready to share her yet.

“Uh, I figured you had already eaten.”

She looked hurt. “No, I wanted to eat with you. We always eat dinner together.”

Damn. This wasn’t going to be easy.