302 Forbidden Ave (A Cherry Falls Romance #9) - Jenika Snow Page 0,18

in me. She was a part of me and forever would be.

I loved her. I was so in love with her that the thought of going even one day without seeing her left me so on edge I was a miserable fuck to be around. The guys at the station had commented on as much.

I put the truck in park and cut the engine, scrubbing a hand over my face. A harsh groan ripped from me. I was constantly hard. Just thinking about Amelia made my cock stand at attention, and seeing as I thought about her all the damn time, let’s just say walking was fucking uncomfortable as hell.

After taking the keys out of the ignition and shoving them in the front pocket of my jeans, I climbed out and walked around to the passenger side to grab the takeout I picked up for us tonight.

She mentioned just hanging out at her place tonight, saying she wanted more alone time. I wasn’t about to argue with that, because it sounded fucking incredible.

I’d ordered an extra-large supreme pizza from Cherry Pie Pizza and picked up a bottle of red wine to go with it—although I wasn’t sure if Amelia would like it, so I grabbed a six-pack of beer but also some soda. I also picked up dessert in the form of cupcakes from Bella’s Bakery, and grabbed a pint of homemade vanilla ice cream from Cherry on Top Ice Cream Parlor. Hell, I was a walking advertisement for the businesses in Cherry Falls.

I put everything that would fit into the large paper bag, balanced that in one arm, grabbed the bouquet of roses I picked for Amelia, and set them on top of the pizza box before picking that up and shutting the door with my hip. Then I headed toward her front door. To say I was all but salivating to see her was fucking lowballing it.

I lifted my hand, about to bring my knuckles down on the wood, when the front door swung open. Amelia stood there staring at me, her eyes bright, her smile wide, and her focus trained right on me.

Fuck, I wish I didn’t have all this shit in my hands so I could pull her into my body.

“I saw you pull in,” she said breathlessly, and I couldn’t help the way my chest tightened at the clear pleasure on her face and in her voice that I was here.

She stepped aside and let me in, and I instantly spotted her table, making a beeline into the kitchen to set the things on it. Her house was small, with the kitchen and living room essentially one space, a small two-seater breakfast counter separating the two areas.

I turned around and saw she was a few feet from me, and I didn’t even stop myself from striding the few steps to her, reaching out and pulling her into my arms. God, she felt good, soft and warm and smelling like peaches and cream. I groaned, unable to stop myself.

Over the past couple of weeks, we’d spent a lot of time together. I’d taken her on dates, to the movies, out to eat. We’d taken walks around the lake. We’d gone to Kissme Bay to ride the Ferris wheel and play mini golf. I’d given her a tour of the fire station, and my arms tightened as I remembered the way the other firefighters had been instantly enamored with her. They couldn’t help it. No one could in her presence.

Amelia was this ray of sunlight that could make anything brighter. But I made sure to put them in their place, making it known if they ever looked at her like that again, I’d beat their asses. I didn’t even feel ashamed or guilty that I’d gone all caveman on them. Because when it came to Amelia, nothing compared, and all my possessive, territorial needs came out in full force.

But despite all the time we spent together, we hadn’t done more than make out and do some heavy petting. I wanted Amelia really fucking badly, more than I’d ever wanted anything else. But I’d wait as long as she needed. I knew she was a virgin even though she hadn’t said the actual words. Her innocence surrounded her like this wall of protection.

She was tentative in her touches, acted almost shy, unsure of being aggressive in her passion toward me, even though I sensed it simmering right below the surface. That’s how I knew she was untouched. She

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