30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,75

stupid headache, if it is.”

“You know you’re supposed to say I’m not the cause, right?”

“Probably. But I’m not a doctor, so diagnosis is not my forte.”

“Shut up, Ginger,” I slap, gently, at her thigh.

Sammy scrunches her nose and smiles. “I guess it’s time to get up,” she says, tapping my thigh playfully before clambering from the bed.

“Ginger,” I say when she reaches the door.

“Yes, Dorothy?”

“Lend me a casual shirt, will you? I’m over dressy clothes.”

“I’ll go grab my bag. I’m sure I’ll have something for you.”

“It needs to go with my dark-washed jeans,” I shout as she walks through the doorway and leaves.



When It Rains It Storms

A dark green T-shirt with the word Guess written in diamantes is the perfect accompaniment to my jeans. I’m so stealing this from Ginger. Taking a moment to tie my light locks back into a messy high knot, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I actually look the most rested I have in months, which is a pleasant surprise given what’s been going on. Maybe Sydney is just a better shade of lifestyle on me. Who am I kidding? It’s probably my stolen shirt giving me a fake sense of new.

Making my way down the stairs, I hear a voice coming from outside. It’s not long until I’m standing on wet grass, face to face with Marcus.

“You’re back.” I blink, rapidly, in surprise.

“Jackson said you were having a nap with Sammy, so I thought it best to leave you.”

Looking Marcus up and down, I notice he’s no longer wearing a suit. Instead, he’s donned beige cargo pants and a pale-yellow polo shirt.

“Thank you for letting me sleep.”

Jackson walks towards me from the side of the house. “Where’s Sammy?”

“Taking a shower. She won’t be long.”

“Is she feeling better?” Marcus tips his head to the side in what I believe to be curiosity.

“Much.” How long have you been back, Marcus? “Hang on, wouldn’t you have seen her when she grabbed her bag, Mosby?”

“No.” Mosby shrugs. “I’ve been outside shooting the breeze with Marcus for a while now. Well, since it stopped raining, that is.”

I didn’t even hear the rain.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t. It pelted cats and dogs after you went up to the room.”

“Excuse me, Marcus?” a sweet voice calls out from behind me.

“Lucy,” he says, walking towards the sound of the voice.

I look over my shoulder and see Marcus jogging the short distance, and although I can’t see this Lucy at first, I can tell he cares for her by his protective tone.

“Who the fuck is Lucy?” I mumble.

“Marcus’s friend. She seems really nice. I met her like maybe twenty minutes ago. She just went to freshen up, said it had been a long drive.”

Turning my body—keeping my eyes firmly planted in their direction, I wait for a glimpse of Lucy. A hint of red material flows past Marcus’s side before a curvy woman with light, long hair comes into view.

“You want to hear something weird?” Mosby continues.

“Hm.” I’m only half paying attention.

“She has the same unique eyes as you. I guess they aren’t as rare as I thought. Actually, come to think of it, she looks a little bit like you. Her face is rounder, though, and her—”

“She’s fatter.”

“Abs,” Jackson tuts.

“Well, she is. Look at her. What the actual fuck is she doing here?” I guess Marcus did replace me. Even worse, with someone who looks like me. Liar.

“I’m not sure.”

Holding hands, they smile adoringly at each other. I’m going to spew. This Lucy leans in and whispers something. Marcus seems to whisper something in return as they stroll towards us.

My hands become tight fists in anger.

“Abigail, I’d like for you to meet my friend Lucy.”

Lucy removes her hand from his grip and reaches it out for me to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Abigail.” Her skin is pale and her hand is soft when it touches mine.

“Lucy.” One word is all I can manage. The name of the tramp Marcus must love now. I hate Lucy.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” The loud boom of Sammy’s angry voice ploughs in our direction. “Marcus, what in God’s name are you playing at? Why is Lucy here? Get her away from Abi,” she snarls before standing between Lucy and me.

“Sammy, settle down. Think before you speak. Abigail doesn’t know.”

“Know what? That you lied and you never waited like you claimed, and this whore is your significant other? Wasn’t hard to figure out. Do you think I’m stupid? Why would you do this to

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