30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,69

It’ll all work out,” Mosby offers in comfort as he lowers me onto the lounge.

“It won’t. Apparently, I have no memory of a huge chunk of my life, and nobody will tell me what in the hell is going on.” I’m so breathless, I suck in a noisy mouthful of air.

“Come on now, Abs, just breathe. I’ll find you a tissue.”

“Okay.” I snort, trying to clear my nose. I drop my head between my legs. I will my breathing to slow the fuck down.

When Jackson returns, he sits beside me, and rubs small circles on my back.

“How about we get your tears to stop and we talk through this some, hey?”

“Okay,” I cry out, opening an even larger floodgate inside my heart.

I’m not sure how long I cry, but by the size of the pile of tissues gathering in my lap, I’d say it’s a while. Jackson stays quiet the entire time, never resting his hand as he continues the small circles on my back.

“They’re coming this way,” he whispers before handing me another tissue and standing.

There’s no longer any anger between Marcus and Sammy as they approach. Their postures are relaxed, their faces mirror each other’s in contentment.

“Take care of my girl.” Marcus’s tone sounds distant. “I’ll be back soon.”

“God, you’re cocky,” Samantha states.

“If I remember correctly, that’s a quality you once found endearing.” Marcus winks at Sammy.

“Now I’m not so sure.” She smiles wearily before Marcus puts a quick kiss to her cheek. “You promised, Samantha. She’ll be here in the manor when I get back. You won’t take her away.”

“She will be. Now you’d better go. I’ve got this.”

“Okay.” Marcus passes by Mosby, never acknowledging he’s standing there.

“Abigail, I’ll be back soon. Everything will seem much clearer then. I’ll return when I can.”

I can’t look at Marcus, so I keep my eyes focused on Sammy, my best friend, who up until now I never really thought would betray me in any way.

Marcus huffs … I hear the front door opening.

“Miss Dermont, Mr Mosby, here are your bags,” Grady says.

I turn just in time to see Grady placing their bags onto the floor inside the door.

“Marcus—”he gestures for Marcus to follow him “—we need to go now, sir. They are waiting for your return.” The worried expression on Grady’s face tells me Marcus has probably not done the right thing by returning here.

With hunched shoulders, Marcus strides past Grady and then he’s gone without another word.

I allow my eyes to drop to the floor. I shake my head.

“Pale pink is definitely not your colour, Dorothy,” Sammy says nervously.

“Don’t do that,” I mutter.


“Don’t act like nothing has happened.” The room goes deathly quiet as I lift my eyes and catch Mosby’s soft smile.

“Well, what do I say, Abi?”

“You say nothing. Shut your mouth and don’t say a word—that’s what you do. You were supposed to be my best friend, but you’re not. You’re my worst enemy.” I take a step away from Sammy.

“Abs, don’t speak to her like that.”

“Let her go.” Sammy reassures.

I run up the staircase and slam the bedroom door.

“Fuck you,” I scream as I throw myself against soft bedding, and then curl into a tight ball.

Betrayal tastes like shit!



Working up the nerve to exit the room I’ve holed myself in for more than two hours is harder than I’d first thought it would be. As I pace the floor, my mind runs wild with thoughts of Marcus and our time together this morning. Breakfast in a bra, the look in his eyes as my chest moved in and out while I ate. Marcus telling me to leave and go back to the coast outside the courthouse right before I repeated the last words he’d said to me. Fuck knows when he said them, but he did. Sweet, sweet words.

Visions of our bodies naked and entwined together on his bed make my stomach flutter. “You’re mine.” Those words were spoken so confidently. “Do you want to know what else we used to do?” His wicked smile will be embedded in my soul forever. What do I do now?

Stopping, I grab the doorknob and rest my head against the door.

“Are you going to talk to me yet?” Sammy’s saddened voice asks from the opposite side. I picture her in the same position as me.

“Are you going to tell me what I want to know if I do?”

“I’m going to tell you what I can.”

“Why does it have to be this way? The secrets?”

“Because it’s what’s best for you.”


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