30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,59

and I’m pulled into an embrace.

I bang my fists and twist my body, trying to escape.

“Abigail, you’re safe, I’ve got you. I’ll keep you safe this time. I promise. Stop fighting me,” he pleads, trying to contain my flailing limbs.

“Marcus.” My voice is barely audible as the smell of petrol is replaced with that of mint.

“Yes, baby, it’s me. I’m here.”

Tears trickle down my cheeks as my body trembles uncontrollably.

“Shh. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”

Marcus scoops me into his arms, and my ear lays against his chest. His heart beats erratically. Is he as frightened as I am?

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” he says, strained.

“No hospital. I hate hospitals. I’m fine. He didn’t hit or touch me anywhere. Take me back to the manor, Marcus, please?” As the words leave my lips, I burst into a flood of tears.


In a Blink of an Eye

After placing me into the passenger seat of a car I’ve never seen before, Marcus’s hands run over my skin, I believe he’s searching for bumps, scrapes and cuts, but I’m not injured. Scared, but unharmed.

“Are you sure you are not hurt?” His voice trembles.


“Abigail, why did you take off like that?”

“I didn’t.”

“You fucking left the restaurant. Why would you do that?”

“I didn’t mean to. I was on the phone, people were everywhere. Then they were gone.” I sob.

“Shh. It’s okay, it’s okay,” he repeats, his voice strained as if he’s fighting back tears of his own.

“How did you know where I was, Marcus?” I ask with accusation.

“I don’t know … I just did. I was speeding to the restaurant and something told me to stop.”

“What told you to stop?”

“My heart.”

The car fills with silence until the sound of Marcus’s breathing deepens. Taking his hands from my thighs, he hits his palms into his forehead. “How stupid. Why did I leave you? I have to keep you safe this time,” he berates himself.

“Stop,” I cry out. “Stop it.”

Pulling my limp body against his chest, he whimpers, “I’m so sorry, Abigail.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“Because I let you down again.” His arms release their stranglehold before he grabs onto my shoulders, pressing me back. Our eyes meet. “I’m going to call the police, okay?”

“Please don’t.”.

“I have to. I just beat a man unconscious.”

Tears trickle down my cheeks as I see the anger filling his eyes wash away, replaced now with overwhelming sadness.

“Then we are going to get you to hospital to make sure you’re okay. Once you’ve been looked over and given the all-clear, I’m ringing your mother to come pick you up; you’re leaving on the first private plane out of here.”


“You’re going home. I should have never approached you at the cemetery. I hoped if you saw me there like that, you would remember me, but you didn’t. I’m sorry. I should have left you alone.” His grip loosens until my shoulders are left naked from the loss of his touch. He closes my door, walks off, disappearing from my sight momentarily, until he stops by the driver’s door.

He let me down again. How?

I watch him pace, his grey suit soiled and crumpled, his body slumping when Grady pulls up in the same car he drove me to dinner in. I open my car door and watch Grady exit his vehicle, he looks almost frightened, and the reason why becomes immediately apparent. Marcus stomps straight to him, shouting and swinging his arms in every direction. Grady doesn’t bat an eyelash and stands like a soldier at boot camp, taking a barrage of anger, anger I’ve caused.

“Stop it, now!” I scold, pulling my tired body from the passenger side. “Marcus, stop. It’s not his fault.”

“Get back in the car.” His face is as red as a tomato, his eyes burning with fire.


“God, just do as you’re told for fucking once.”

“No!” I yell. “It’s not Grady’s fault. If you want to scream and carry on, then come here and give me all you have. I’m to blame.”

Marcus’s jaw clenches in synchronisation with his fists. “Abigail, get in the car.”

“Not until you calm down.” I take three large steps towards him.

“You were not to take her anywhere. What part of that was hard for you to understand, mate?”

“I did the wrong thing. I’m sorry,” Grady says pleadingly.

“Sorry … you’re fucking sorry. Do you know where I found her?”

Grady shakes his head.

“In that alley”—he points— “with some creep attacking her. Sorry. You think sorry is going to undo that?”

“No, sir.”

“You’re fired, Grady, effective immediately. Fuck off.”

“Yes, sir,” he

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