30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,45

its original state when it was renovated.

“Back in the dinosaur ages.” I laugh.

“You could say that. It’s very old.”

“Where do you sleep?” I ask before thinking.

“Down the other end of the hall.”

“Bet your room is not as fancy as this, now, is it?”

“Fit for a king,” he replies with a cocky grin.

I’m about to say let me see, but just before I do, I clench my lips shut to avoid an awkward sexually fuelled moment. Well, sexually fuelled moment for me, there’s something very alluring about Marcus.

“The bathroom is just past the staircase to the right.”

“No en suite?”


“So shared space.”

“It is … I’m going to freshen up. I’ll meet you downstairs for dinner shortly.” He turns, leaving quickly.

The plan is best for the both of us.

“Holy shit!” I squeal before searching the room for hidden treasures. Apart from amazing craftsmanship, none are to be found.

Sitting on the bed, I can’t help thinking about everything that has happened today, from the madness I felt on the plane, to this moment right now. It seems like a dream; one I’m bound to wake from any minute. I hope I remain asleep for a little while longer, though. This is probably the best dream I’ve had, and I’m guessing it’s because Mike’s not destroying it.


I cringe.



I step out of my vintage room and softly close the door behind me. As I stroll towards the stairs, my belly rumbles from starvation. I jolt when Marcus suddenly appears from behind a closed door, with little but a towel tucked around his waist. Look away. I can’t.

Marcus smiles in my direction, I turn my eyes away, but I’m soon drawn to the V leading to the one place I need to stay away from.

“Enjoying the show?” He smirks.

Quickly, I turn my head, covering my embarrassed face. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I like that you were looking at me with eyes like that.”

Eyes like what? Hungry? Desperate? Delighted? I fear my eyes said all those things.

“I’ll just get changed, and I’ll be down in a minute,” he says, bemused.

Every part of me wants to jump into those ripped arms and let him fuck me any which way he wants. Thoughts of our night together on the coast only make it harder to stop myself—that is until I remember how it ended and how incredibly dirty I felt.

“Yes. Good. Changed. All right.” Rushing down to the lower level, my legs shake. Throbbing in the delicate area that makes me all woman is so overwhelming it begs for relief.

I’m distracted from these thoughts of filth when through an archway I see Grady placing boxes onto the end of a long table just off the main entry.

“Can I help you with anything?” I approach Grady with relief, realising Marcus and I will not be alone.

“Miss McMillian.” He twists his head over his shoulder. “Thank you, but I’m finished. Mr Klein has ordered your new clothes to be dry-cleaned and returned by morning. However, he did leave this one bag for you as well as your carry-on. May I take it up to your room now?”

“It’s okay, I’ll do it.”

“Please, I insist.”

“Well, if you insist.” Those stairs are a climb.

Grady smiles, and it’s then I notice a sweet dimple in his chin. “Before I leave you, your bag was ringing a moment ago. I’m guessing your phone is in there?”

“Oh shit. Um, sorry. I mean, yes. I’ll just take my phone out first.”

“Of course.”

Unzipping the side pocket, I see the blue sparkly case that protects my phone from falls. God knows I have enough of them. I pluck it out before taking a step backwards.

“Have a good evening,” Grady says, taking my bag away and leaving the room.

The screen lights up and as expected there are many missed calls and messages from not only Mum, but Sammy. No surprises there. As I approach a grand dark wooden dining room table, one bearing the same handcrafted marks as the bedroom furniture, I see that two plates, some chopsticks, and many takeaway containers filled with dinner have been laid out for us. I’m so hungry, but I decide to wait, taking a seat at one of the settings closest to a long and heavy-looking curtain. The generic ringtone of my phone begins playing. I answer.

“Dorothy. Why haven’t you answered when I’ve called? I’ve been worried sick.”

“Hello to you too, Ginger.”

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Hexed,” I reply.

“Oh shit, what’s happened now?”

I snigger. “So much. But you’ll be happy to know I’m here

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