30 Days (Lost Love Trilogy #1) - Belle Brooks Page 0,16

up here first and I’ll meet you there.”

“Good. Two shops down. Big yellow sign. You won’t miss it.”

“Sounds great.” Document saved.

As I’m about to leave, there’s a ringing coming from the desk. It’s the phone, which hasn’t rung all morning. I had no idea what it sounded like.

“Hello?” I answer.

“That’s not professional.”

“Who’s this?”

“Samantha, your best friend and ally in a world you think is filled with enemies.”

“No, doesn’t ring a bell, sorry. I think you have the wrong number. This is a law firm, lady.”

“Stop dicking around. How’s the first day going?”


“One word? That’s it?”

“Pretty much.”

“You’re very funny.” Sammy makes over-exaggerated and, quite frankly, dorky snorting sounds.

“It’s a gift.”

“I was being sarcastic. Stop changing the subject. Seriously, how are you?”

“Okay. I must be quick because I’m on lunch. Well, that’s what I’ve been told, and, girl, I’m hungry as fuck. I’ll give you the short rundown. Hold on to your seat.”

“Listening intently. Seat is bolted down,” she retorts, making me laugh.

“Good. Office: small. Direct boss: a bitch. Overall boss: have not met. Probably a dick—”

“You can’t say that about Trish’s dad.”

“Well, have you met him?”


“So possibly a dick it is then. Now stop interrupting.”

“I only interrupted once,” she argues.

“No, there you go again, interrupting. That’s twice now.”

Sammy giggles. “Carry on.”

“Okay. Front desk operator: awesome. Lift: I use it a lot. We’re acquainted. I think we’re friends. Well, it hasn’t stopped on me today so far. Male assistant on the lower level: hot, funny, and does my work for me.”

Her gasp pierces my eardrum. “What? There’s a hot guy? Tell me more!”

“Interrupting,” I say in song.

“I hate when you sing words.”

“No, you don’t. You love it.”

“Continue,” Sammy encourages.

“Computer screen: hurts my eyes, and lunch breaks are taken at a place called Leyton’s and not in the fancy staffroom provided. Apparently, that may be used by most for only coffee. That sums it up, Ginger. I need to go. Ring me tonight. I’ll come ’round?”

“Sounds like a plan, Dorothy.”

“Now if you don’t mind, food is about to be my bitch.”

“Abi …”

“Yeah …”

“It’s good to have you back.”

I smile. “Whatever.”

“Go eat. Love you.”



The yellow sign is obvious. Nobody could miss such a huge and boring display. Asher is sitting at a booth in the corner of a large open space. Leyton’s is a sandwich house of sorts. This pleases me. I slide my bag and then myself into the seat opposite my lunch companion.

“I’m here,” I announce, grandly.

She snickers. Why she finds me so funny, I have no idea, but she does. “I can see that.”

“What’s good to eat here?”

“Everything, except for the BLT special. Do not get the BLT special.” She points to the image on the menu.

“Right, no special thing. What are you having?”

Her nose scrunches. “Probably an egg, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.”

“Sounds good. Get that by two.” I hand her a ten-dollar note.

She sits there staring at me with money clasped between two fingers.


“Am I your waitress?”

“Um. Well, I guess you are. Trust me, I’m accident prone. The less amount of standing and navigating I do, the better.”

“What an odd thing to say.” Her eyes narrow and her lips twist.

“I’m pretty odd. Sandwich time, woman. Mush, mush.”

Asher rolls her eyes before waving the money in my face. “I’m keeping the change.”

“You do that, after you buy me a juice.”

“You won’t have enough for a juice and a sandwich.”


“No.” She shakes her head.

“Well, blow me.” I pass her another five-dollar bill. “There you go, princess.”

Asher laughs with an evil tone. “A ten would have covered it, but thanks for the extra.” She winks.

Asher is my type of awesome.

“Lunch is served,” she announces a few minutes later, placing our orders onto the table.

We are not even halfway through probably the best egg, lettuce, and tomato sandwich I’ve ever eaten, when her mobile starts playing Justin Bieber’s “Baby”.

“Really? Bieber?” I snort while trying hard not to piss myself with laughter.

“What?” Her face glows red.

“I’m so sad for you.”

“Shut up.” She swipes her hand at me.

“Quick, you’d better answer it. It could be Justin calling,” I urge before making kissy faces.

Asher scowls but answers. “Yes. Right now? I’m on my way,” she says before throwing her phone into her bag. “Sorry, I have to return to the office. I’m needed.”

I give my best sad face.

“Tomorrow we’ll do lunch again, okay?”


“I think I’m going to like having you around.” Scooping up the remainder of her sandwich from the table, she places her bag over her shoulder. “See you back in there. Try not to be

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