16 Lighthouse Road - By Debbie Macomber Page 0,41

loudly it sounded like a distant drumbeat in her ear. She felt almost as though she were sitting in a theater and the music preceding a tense moment in the story had begun, growing louder and louder around her.

Other than the porch light, the house was still dark. Dread suffused her whole being. She could hardly breathe.

Where the hell was Dan?

Then it occurred to her that he might be in bed. If he'd had to work overtime or been delayed in traffic, he'd probably arrived home exhausted. In that case, he'd have showered and gone straight to bed.

Only Dan's truck wasn't in its usual parking space. Going inside, Grace sat her gym bag in the laundry room, then moved into the darkened living room and slowly lowered herself into her husband's recliner. The cushion gave, broken down by years of use, and she sank into the comfortable old chair he loved so much. That was when she started to shake.

She waited fifteen minutes, then walked into the kitchen and reached for the phone. Without turning on the light, she dialed Olivia's number and let it ring until her friend answered.

"Dan isn't here."

Olivia didn't say anything for several tense moments. Then calmly, as though this was an everyday occurrence, she said, "I'll be right over."
Chapter Seven
Grace sat up all night, her fears out of control. Olivia had stayed up with her until after midnight, when she'd fallen asleep on the sofa out of sheer exhaustion. Grace let her friend sleep. There wasn't anything Olivia could say that would reassure her. Nothing either one of them could do, for that matter. None of this felt real.

At six-thirty, just as the first light of morning crept toward the horizon, Olivia woke. Bolting upright, she blinked rapidly and looked around.

"Have you heard anything?" she asked, rubbing her face with both hands.

Grace shook her head. She'd brewed a pot of coffee, more for something to do than any desire for caffeine.

"I think it's time I called Troy Davis," Olivia said in that no-nonsense way of hers. "It's been almost twenty-four hours, hasn't it?"

Grace nodded, and automatically poured them each a cup of coffee. She stood in the kitchen, sipping hers, while Olivia made the call to the local sheriff's department. She found it difficult to keep her mind clear and focused. The sleepless night hadn't helped. Her thoughts were fearful and obsessive - ideas of where Dan might be, what could have happened, what plausible reason he might have for not coming home.

"Troy isn't on duty until seven," Olivia explained when she'd finished.

"Should we go there ourselves?"

"No, I talked to Lowell Price and he said Troy would take a drive out here. He knows Dan and he'll want to handle this personally."

Grace felt a tremendous sense of relief. "Should I phone the girls?" After all those sleepless hours of worrying, she seemed incapable of making decisions.

Olivia appeared to weigh her answer. "Why don't you wait until after you've talked to Troy?"

"All right." She hated the idea of alarming her daughters, but they had a right to know their father had disappeared. Dear God, where could he be? Never in all the years they'd been married had Dan done anything like this. Something had to be very wrong.

"Have you given any more thought to where Dan might've gone?"

She had, but Grace found it hard to voice the words. "Lately...before Kelly announced she was pregnant, Dan's been..." She didn't know how to continue and struggled not to break into tears. "I think there might be another woman."

"Dan? No way! He's not the type." Olivia shook her head adamantly. "Not Dan," she repeated. "No way."

Grace found it hard to believe herself. But unlikely though it seemed, the thought refused to leave her mind. "I realized a long time ago that we don't have a perfect marriage, but lately it's...it's as though something's changed in Dan. He's different." There, she'd said it, but putting into words exactly what was different about her husband proved far more difficult. She knew he was restless. He'd been moody for thirty years, ever since Vietnam, but lately the swings had been wider, more extreme. Whenever she tried to draw him out, get him to confide in her, Dan seemed to resent her effort. That had led Grace to wonder if there was someone else he was talking to, someone else he'd come to care about. The only time he'd been himself lately was when they'd heard Kelly's wonderful news. After their daughter's announcement,

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