100% That Witch - Celia Kyle Page 0,7

she made it back to the street, she was livid.

It was bad enough she had cut classes, but this? Failing three times in a row, in decidedly spectacular fashion. That was a day of working on her studies lost, and she didn’t even have a job to show for it. Most of the places she’d applied hadn’t even given her an interview, which made her feel pretty low about her résumé.

To make matters even worse, she was at sixes and sevens over Rhys. Every time he’d graced Hollow House, she’d gone out of her way to make her attraction evident. And what did he do? Not a damn thing. Yet every time they were together, he gave her just enough attention to make her think he wanted more.

Sure, waiting for him to call and ask me out may be a bit of a reach, but not even a text? She’d made doubly sure he had her number at the dinner party. One would think her asking about it would make the tall bugger take the hint. Instead, her phone stayed so dead that she almost asked Aurora to resurrect it.

Striding down the street, her heels tried to cut a furrow into the pavement. All the injustices of her life were piling on her back—difficulties at school, her grouchy father and his ultimatums, boys who had no idea how to act. To top it all off, the job she needed to keep her spot at Hollow House felt more and more like a mirage.

Stopping for a moment, she turned to face a storefront window to consider her reflection. Was she really that much of a fuck-up? Un-hirable and unlovable? The young woman who returned her gaze wasn’t as polished and professional as Aurora, but certainly capable of an entry-level position.

Something just past her reflection caught her attention. It took her eyes a second to focus, but she finally recognized Kiki waving with a large, bright smile. By happenstance, she had stopped right in front of Witch Way Supply Co.

You know what? This is exactly what I need. A friend to pick me up and tell me I’m not worthless.

The bell jangled as she pushed her way into the shop, and the myriad of smells of true witchery flooded over her. Funnily enough, the husky, herbaceous scent of it all reminded her just how much she liked being a witch. It was easy to forget that sometimes.

“Hey, Tiff,” Kiki greeted brightly. “What are you doing out in the middle of the afternoon? Classes canceled?”

“Hardly.” She leaned over the counter and rested her head dramatically next to the cash register. “I took the day off. Not that I can afford it. And it’s all been a waste of time anyway. I’m screwed.”

“Whoa, there. Slow down. If you keep up the pity party, we’re gonna need cleanup on aisle three, and I’m the only one around.”

Kiki’s gentle ribbing earned a weak smile from Tiffany, but she didn’t have more to give than that. Tiffany straightened up and braced her hands to lean over.

“It’s just that, everything is such a mess.” She hadn’t really intended to come in and spill her miseries, but she couldn’t help herself. “No matter what I do, I can’t seem to straighten my grades out. Really just one class is a problem, but when I told my dad I’m failing, he got all extra about it.”


“Oh, yeah. He cut me off until I improve my grade. School is still on the table, but I’m gonna have to get a job if I want to keep living with the girls. Today was all about applying, and everything has come up a big, fat zero.”

“You’re kidding. Right?” Her tone caught Tiffany up.

Kiki was grinning at her like there was some joke she’d missed.


“Honestly, for a second I thought that’s what you were staring at in the window.” She pointed over Tiffany’s shoulder, and the disconsolate witch noticed a note taped up.

Help Wanted.

When her eyes spun back to Kiki, she was standing there like the cat that ate the canary. Tiffany’s heart leapt in her chest for the first time since she’d managed to drag herself out of bed.

“You’re not serious.”

“Sure am,” Kiki said, beaming. “I haven’t had much luck with applicants because I really need to hire someone I trust. So, if you’re game…”

She extended her hand across the counter. Tiffany wanted to pinch herself for her good fortune, but instead she grabbed Kiki’s hand and shook it before the woman could

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