100% That Witch - Celia Kyle Page 0,27

herself that she was about to be engaged. Besides, despite whatever tingly feelings assaulted her, Nero was gay and he had a Beloved who just happened to be her roommate and friend.

“Come on,” Nero commanded, lacing her arm through his and leading her down the hallway. “This deserves a celebration. Gonna take you out to lunch. On me. I know this great place on the other side of Othercross that—”

“I’d love to,” Tiffany said, pulling her arm free, “but I have a class soon. I’m tempted to ditch it, but…”

She sighed. She wanted nothing more than to go out and celebrate with Nero, but she reminded herself of what was at stake. She needed to get back on track, at least when it came to her studies, or she’d be in hot water with her father. Still, she wasn’t ready to let go of her joy. “Maybe we can grab a bite in the OCU cafeteria?”

“As you wish,” Nero replied with a smile. If he was disappointed she couldn’t go for a proper lunch, he didn’t let it show. “But let’s not just grab coffee. Okay? You’ve been working hard, and you need to feed this brain of yours.” He brushed two fingers gently against her forehead, burning a trail across her flesh.

Butterflies danced in her belly and, not for the first time, she wondered if there were actual butterflies hiding inside her body. It wouldn’t surprise her. After all, her magic remained as wild and untamed as it had been during her teenage years.

Nero never failed to heap all sorts of praise on her, even for the most minor achievement—like a B on a Potions quiz—and his kindness toward her... It was exactly how she wanted Rhys to be. Except, of course, Rhys was nothing like that.

At all.

As Nero led her to the cafeteria, her hand resting in the crook of his elbow, Tiffany wondered how Rhys would react if he saw her hanging out with Nero. Would he be jealous? Maybe. Then again, maybe he’d just be his aloof self and keep his emotions on a tight leash. If he had any emotions at all. Comparing these two men in her life… Well, there really was no comparison. Unfortunately, and as always seemed to be the case, the sweet one wasn’t available.

She shook away the dismal thoughts and focused on what really mattered. She had finally started to turn her academic life around, and soon she’d be back in her father’s good graces. That meant she wouldn’t need a job anymore, but now that she thought about it, she wouldn’t mind keeping her position at Kiki’s. She was learning a lot and besides, the extra income didn’t hurt.

“Someone’s thinking hard,” Nero noted as he paid for her sandwich and his iced tea.

He and the cashier gave Tiffany sideways glances, and only then did she notice the pink smoke drifting from her ears. Embarrassed, she swatted at it, causing the smoke to drift around her head like a halo.

“Sorry,” she said. “I guess there’s just too much in my mind.”

“Good things, I hope.”


Her cheeks warmed as she smiled up at Nero. He always made her soul feel just a little lighter. Rhys gave her butterflies, but Nero… She just felt so comfortable around him. They’d only known each other a short time, but in her heart she knew he’d always be there for her. Seemed like all the clichés of having a gay friend were true. They really were the best.

“I may dress in black but I can have happy thoughts, you know.”

“Never doubted it for a second,” he said, guiding her to a table by lightly pressing a hand to her lower back. As they sat, his gaze wandered down to her blouse. Tiffany was suddenly aware of her own breasts and the way they pushed against the fabric. “Speaking of, mind if I ask why you dress like a necromancer when you’re a goddess of light and happiness?”

She snorted as she picked up the surprisingly mouthwatering tuna melt. “Yeah, right... goddess. Guess I’m just a walking contradiction.”

“That makes two of us,” Nero said, leaning back to take a sip of tea. “Most people assume that just because I’m a vampire I roam the night and sink my fangs into whatever neck I can find. The stereotype is tiresome. You know? I find myself explaining why I’m a ‘freegan vegan’ type of vampire over and over again.”

“I get that,” Tiffany said. “Most people are confused by me too.”


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